Stop the political revenge games | News, Sports, Jobs


Last year, Republicans who control the Minnesota Senate found a way to punish Gov. Tim Walz for continuing to wield emergency powers in the fight against COVID-19. During the monthly special sessions the governor had to call to expand emergency powers, Republicans began to get rid of the commissioners Walz appointed and the Senate took a long time to approve. After a few years of work, the commissioners fell victim to the Republican desire for revenge.

Now, even with the emergency powers gone, Republicans are threatening more commissioners. Republican Senator Jim Abeler from Anoka said at a rally against the mask and vaccine warrants he would like the Senate to oust Health Commissioner Jan Malcolm in an upcoming special session scheduled to approve special wage bonuses for essential workers in the event of a pandemic. This “Seems the only language the governor understands is the dismissal of another commissioner”, said Abeler.

Walz told Minnesota Public Radio News he would consider canceling the session if Republicans continued the threat.

We want these political games to stop. If Senate Republicans learned to speak with anything other than threats, they might find the governor more than willing to listen.

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