Storage container article clarification – Merrill Foto News


Town of Merrill building inspector sets the record straight


In the August 26 edition of Foto News, the article titled “Merrill City Plan Public Hearing considers ban on storage containers” has not been sufficiently studied. Merrill Town Building Inspector Darin Pagel called to set the record straight.
He referred to Sec. 113-38. – Residential neighborhood bylaws – RI to RV, subsection (l) Detached single-family and two-family adjoining dwellings – Minimum standards of the current City of Merrill Zoning Ordinance, which already sets standards for the construction of residential houses. Such minimum standards would already ban building a house within city limits from storage containers, he said.
Temporary use for residential storage is further clarified
The proposed order, which is the subject of the Sept. 7 public hearing before the Town of Merrill Planning Commission “is an attempt to clarify” the permitted use of the storage containers, Pagel said.
He pointed to the following specific wording in the proposed change of ordinance, stating that the ordinance does not completely ban the use of storage containers:
“Shipping containers, semi-trailers or similar structures are prohibited in residential areas or properties for residential use. A special exception may be granted by the zoning administrator for storage purposes for a move or property renovation authorized for a maximum of 30 days. The zoning administrator may extend the time limit at the owner’s request for special circumstances.
Accordingly, “Any person or business that intends to place a shipping container, semi-trailer or similar structure on a property must register it with the zoning department prior to such placement and pay the applicable fees. . “
A public hearing to consider the proposed change to the zoning ordinance will be held in the council chamber at Merrill Town Hall on Tuesday, September 7 at 6:00 PM. Remote participation is also permitted. To participate remotely, call 413.357.2122 and use the meeting PIN 316 153 509 #.


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