Street bhang contains a large amount of feces & # 39;


One study indicates that the majority of cannabis sold on the streets of Madrid is contaminated with dangerous levels of faeces.

Analysts have found traces of E. coli and Aspergillus bacteria, which examined 90 samples purchased in and around the Spanish capital.

The samples that were wrapped in plastic "tassels" were the worst offenders, apparently because of the way they were smuggled into the country.

Some 40% of them also have a fecal aroma, said the senior author of the study.

The purchase, sale and importation of cannabis are prohibited by law in Spain, just as its use in public – although it is technically legal to cultivate it for personal purposes, provided that it is not visible publicly, and consume it in private.

José Manuel Moreno Pérez, a pharmacologist at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, collected cannabis samples directly from street vendors in the city and surrounding suburbs to determine whether the drugs sold were fit for human consumption. .

His research team then separated the form contaminated samples, some looking like "tassels" and others to "ingots", to determine if one form contained more contaminants than the other.

They found that 93% of the glans-shaped samples contained dangerous levels of E. coli, as did 29.4% of the ingot samples.


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