Students shine in the Exceptional Young Woman Program | Regional News from Berks


KUTZTOWN, PA – Under the bright lights of Kutztown-area Middle School, the Berks County Outstanding Young Woman Scholarship Program has once again popped up.

“COVID is still having an effect, but we had to change locations because there were no places available,” said Norman Adam, president of OYW.

COVID-19 was certainly not enough to close the curtains for a second year in a row.

“I like being able to see everyone, be in person and have everyone again,” said Cheyenne Weiss, candidate for the Hamburg area school district.

Weiss was one of 15 applicants who were looking to win one of the many scholarships. She competed in categories ranging from fitness to academic achievement.

“It’s been a wild ride, but I had such a fun time getting close to all the girls and learning more about Berks County,” Weiss said. “It was just a great experience all around.”

Amanda Ott, a student of Daniel Boone, competed alongside him.

“It’s very amazing to meet so many talented people who love what they do and passionate about what they do,” said Ott.

Mike Reinert of WFMZ hosted the program for the 29th time.

The Berks County tradition drew dozens of people on Saturday night. It’s something Adam said he’s been a part of for decades.

“My wife and I have been involved since 1976,” he said. “The atmosphere is exciting, the parents, the other friends, the girls themselves are having a good time.”

The program distributed over $ 6,000 in scholarships to high school students in Berks County.

The finalist received $ 1,500, the second $ 750 and the third $ 300.

There were also smaller prices for categories like aerobics and fitness, attendance and presentation, academic achievement and maintenance.

The winners were:

  • Overall winner: Gretchen Kimmel, Oley Valley
  • Keystone: Kelly Leiby, Kutztown
  • Interview: Saishree Mupparaju, Exeter
  • Grant and realization: Saishree Mupparaju, Exeter
  • Aerobics and fitness: Cheyenne Weiss, Hamburg
  • Performing Arts: Gretchen Kimmel, Oley
  • Presence and Presentation: Cassidy Quinn, Governor Mifflin
  • Third Finalist: Cassidy Quinn, Governor Mifflin
  • Runner-up: Rhegan Fagley, Muhlenberg
  • First runner-up: Saishree Mupparaju, Exeter
  • BCOYW 2021-2022: Gretchen Kimmel, Oley Valley


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