Studies Show Covid-19 Worsens Risk of Pregnancy Complications


The first study showed that pregnant women with symptomatic Covid-19 had a higher percentage of emergency complications compared to those who tested positive but had no symptoms. This research was part of a presentation given at the 2021 Annual Anesthesiology Meeting over the weekend.

Of the 100 Covid-positive mothers who gave birth between March and September last year in a Texas hospital, 58% of those with symptomatic infections gave birth under emergency circumstances, the study found, which did not has not yet been peer reviewed. For those with an asymptomatic case, 46% did so.

Mothers with symptoms were more likely to have emergency complications that were dangerous to the baby. The more babies were breeched, the more likely they were to have decreased fetal movement, and some had too little amniotic fluid.

The study also found that babies born to these symptomatic mothers were much more likely to need oxygen support and more likely to be admitted to the intensive care unit.

Additionally, babies born to these symptomatic mothers were much more likely to need oxygen support and more likely to be admitted to the intensive care unit.

“COVID-19 has serious systemic effects on the body, especially symptomatic patients,” said Kristine Lane, a medical student in the medical branch at the University of Texas, Galveston, Texas, who helped direct the study. “It is possible that these effects are amplified in pregnant women, who have increased fetal and maternal oxygen requirements.”

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It’s also possible, she said, that doctors caring for symptomatic patients would be cautious about the virus and proactively recommend a cesarean delivery.

Dr Gil Mor, a reproductive immunologist who did not work on the study but reviewed the work, said it was also possible that the problems were linked to chronic inflammation caused by Covid-19.

“Inflammation is extremely dangerous to both the mother and the developing fetus. Chronic inflammation is now a fight for the survival of the mother and the fetus, and in every fight they pay a price,” Mor said. , who runs a research lab at Wayne State University that studies the immune system during pregnancy and the impact of pathogens. “We have to do everything in our hands to prevent chronic inflammation.”

The other study was peer reviewed and was published in The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine on Sunday. This research looked at the impact of Covid-19 on women in the third trimester of their pregnancy.
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Scientists examined the records of more than 2,400 women at a hospital in Israel between March and September last year and found significant health differences between women who had Covid-19 and those who did not. . Among the Covid-19 positive patients, 67% were asymptomatic.

Women who showed symptoms of Covid-19 had the most problems, Dr Elior Eliasi of Mayanei Hayeshua Medical Center and colleagues found. They had higher rates of gestational diabetes, lower white blood cell counts, and more bleeding during childbirth. Their babies also experienced more breathing problems.

The increased risk of problems was almost 20% higher for women with symptoms of Covid-19, and 14% higher for asymptomatic people with Covid-19.

Unlike other research, this study did not find symptomatic women to be significantly more likely to give birth early.

The study has limitations because it only looked at women from one hospital, so its findings may not be true for all pregnant people.

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These new studies add to a growing body of evidence that Covid-19, in particular symptomatic Covid-19, is a real threat to pregnant people and provide further evidence that the risks of Covid-19 outweigh far about the risks for pregnant women of getting vaccinated, said Dr. Denise Jamieson, who did not work on this study.

According to the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, only a third of pregnant people are fully vaccinated against Covid-19.

Vaccines can protect pregnant women against Covid-19 and if they have a breakthrough case, a vaccinated person is much more likely to have mild symptoms, if any. The protection that comes from a vaccine is also passed on to the newborn.

“These studies fit into an emerging global model of what we’ve seen with other research,” said Jamieson, chair of the department of gynecology and obstetrics at Emory University School of Medicine and fellow of the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology’s Covid- 19 expert group. “Covid has an impact on pregnancies and can cause serious illness in pregnant people and their babies, that’s clear. “

Jamieson said it was important for doctors to urge their pregnant patients to get vaccinated against Covid-19 as soon as possible. Initially, CDC guidelines said women could get the shot, but they didn’t recommend it. This is because the initial studies of the vaccine did not intentionally include pregnant women, although there were some women who became pregnant during the studies. After more research, the CDC sent an urgent appeal in September that strongly recommended that pregnant women get the vaccine immediately.

“I know that pregnant people may be reluctant to take drugs or get vaccines during their pregnancy and they really want to do everything possible to protect their baby, and they make sacrifices during pregnancy, but I think it has to be. be balanced with the risks of not getting the shot, “Jamieson said.” It is important that all people get the shot, but especially pregnant women get the shot in order to protect themselves and their babies. ”


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