Study confirms that a nuclear war between the United States and Russia would mark the end of days – BGR


It may seem silly to think that a nuclear war between the United States and Russia would be anything but an apocalypse, but for scientists studying the climate and the atmosphere, the changes that such a conflict could bring to our planet are a good subject for study.

Now, a new article published in the Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres corroborates the estimates made some ten years ago and confirms that if the United States and Russia begin to launch nuclear weapons, nuclear winter would ensue. The study fails to declare a nuclear war the end of humanity, but given the results of this study, it seems that the writing is on the wall.

For their study, the team of researchers from Rutgers University, the National Center for Atmospheric Research, and the University of Colorado used an updated climate model to show the impact of climate change. a nuclear conflict between the United States and Russia on the global climate.

Taking into account a huge combination of variables – including the types of nuclear weapons, the number of bombs that both countries would send and the likely targets on both continents – the models show a nuclear winter that causes a fall in temperatures on a planet – large scale. In addition, total precipitation would be reduced by about 30% for months after the conflict.

The hypothetical conflict was simulated as a "worst case scenario", meaning that the estimates were based on the fact that both countries throw all their nuclear weapons reserves to each other. However, the study also assumes that all bombs dropped landed in the United States or Russia and that no other country helped one of the two rival nations. In a real nuclear war, such things would seem unlikely, which means that the end result would probably be even darker.

It should be noted that previous studies have suggested that a nuclear war between the United States and Russia would indeed mean extinction for humanity as well as for many other species, and there is really no reason to think that it would not be the case.

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