Study finds bacteria in pumped breast milk


INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) – According to a new study, pumped breast milk may contain harmful bacteria that can cause asthma in babies later in life.

The study in Canada involved about 400 mothers and their babies. Researchers compared formula-fed babies to bottle-fed babies directly breastfed.

The results showed that those who were fed directly had a rich diversity of bacteria in the mouth and in the stomach, beneficial for their health and immunity. Babies fed breast milk had harmful bacteria in their mouths that could increase their risk of asthma later in life.

Dr. Nadia Krupp, of the Riley Children's Hospital, told News 8 that she was not shocked by the fact that these bacteria were discovered in research and that she should not worry too much mothers.

"They can be found wherever they stay wet, so they can be found in shower heads, hot tubs, humidifiers and anything that contains moisture in the house. found to be one of those places that tends to be wet. " and so we are exposed to these bacteria all the time, including babies being exposed to these bacteria all the time, "said Dr. Krupp.

Dr. Krupp stated that this study should not deter mothers who have chosen to breastfeed or breast-feed their baby, but that she points out how important it is to clean up and sterilize your breast pump and follow the safety instructions for breast conservation. Milk.

She also said that the risk of asthma included many factors, not only exposure to bacteria, but also genetics and exposure to viruses very early in life.

The researchers said that it was one of the largest studies on the milk microbiome and that much more research needed to be conducted on breast milk and its evolution during its storage .

Dr. Krupp also pointed out that the preparation is not sterile, especially once a tin can is opened and the mixing process is initiated. What is not clear, it is there are more bacteria in the formula or stored formula.

"Everyone wants to do what is best for their baby and keep him from getting sick, but not breastfeeding his child will not prevent him from suffering from asthma, On the contrary, if you breastfeed and breastfeed and give your baby the best breast milk that is the healthiest thing for him, then you should continue to do so if you can, "said Dr. Krupp.


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