Study Reveals You Should Mix Your Protein Sources


Results published in Metabolism of nature from the University of Sydney Charles Perkins Center suggest that although it is excellent for muscle building, it is excessively dependent on branched chain amino acids (BCAA) [which protein shakes are high in] can reduce the life span, have a negative impact on the mood and lead to weight gain.

"Protein-rich and low-carbohydrate diets have been shown to be beneficial for reproductive function, but they have had adverse health effects at the end of life and have also reduced life span," says Dr. Samantha Solon Biet. Her research has focused on the effects of nutrition on metabolic health, reproduction, appetite and aging.

"What this new research has shown is that amino acid balance is important – it's best to vary protein sources to get the best amino acid balance."

"BCAAs are a group of three essential amino acids: leucine, isoleucine and valine, which are found most often in red meat and dairy products." Whey protein – the form The most popular fitness protein – is made from dairy byproducts and contains high levels of BCAA, "the media announcement said.

As part of this study, scientists tested the impact of dietary BCAAs and other amino acids on the health and body composition of mice.

Rodents were divided into four groups, with different BCAA inputs.

Mice that were fed twice as much as the recommended intake of BCAA also increased their food intake, resulting in obesity and a shortened life span.

"BCAAs supplementation has resulted in high levels of BCAAs in the blood, which compete with tryptophan for transport in the brain," says Center Academic Director Charles Perkins and researcher Stephen Simpson, a professor at the School of Life. Environmental Sciences.

"Tryptophan is the only precursor of the serotonin hormone, often referred to as the" chemical substance of happiness "for its beneficial effects on mood and its role in promoting sleep. But serotonin does more than that and that's where the problem lies.

"This then lowered serotonin levels in the brain, which was a powerful signal to increase appetite. The decrease in serotonin caused by excessive BCAA consumption led to massive overfeeding in our mice, which became extremely obese and led a shorter life, "he adds.


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