Study shows naps are related to decreased risk of heart disease


The decrease in the risk of cardiovascular disease observed in casual posers remained after adjusting the researchers to take into account other potentially determining factors, such as age, disease risk and sleep time. night. Interestingly, however, the 67% increase in the risk of cardiovascular disease among people who frequently sleep disappeared when these same factors were taken into account, suggesting that napping could have a positive impact on cardiovascular disease.

It is an observational study. We can not therefore assume that napping has directly reduced the risk of cardiovascular disease, but this contributes to the ongoing debate about the health benefits of napping. And as the authors of the study wrote, she "also suggests that it might be not only the duration but also the frequency that matters".

According to the authors, who work at the University of California at San Francisco, siesta study is extremely difficult because it depends largely on self-reported data. "Although there are more questions than answers, it's time to start revealing the power of naps for a supercharged heart," they wrote.


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