Study: vegans have a higher risk of bone fractures than omnivores


  • Vegans who don’t get enough calcium and protein in their diets may be at higher risk for bone fractures, according to a new study.
  • Researchers found that vegans had a 43% higher risk of bone fractures, and in particular a higher risk of hip, leg, and vertebral fractures, than people who ate meat and dairy products. .
  • They’ve found that vegans who make sure to include calcium-rich foods in their diets can lower their risk, but it’s more of an effort.
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One study found that vegans had a 43% higher risk of bone fractures than omnivores.

Vegetarians and Pescatarians also had high risk, according to a study published today in BMC Medicine, but it was reduced when they made a concerted effort to include foods high in protein and calcium on their plates.

However, even after adjusting protein and calcium intake, vegans still had a significantly higher risk of fractures than people who ate dairy and / or meat, suggesting that another variable is involved, such as vitamin B12 and vitamin D deficiencies.

Despite these findings, the researchers said people shouldn’t necessarily forgo a plant-based diet because it is possible to get the necessary nutrients without eating animal products, it may just take some planning. .

Less calcium and protein could be partly to blame

Researchers at the Universities of Oxford and Bristol analyzed data from 54,898 men and women in the UK over an average of 18 years of follow-up.

They looked at fractures for all causes, including accidents, so they couldn’t determine if any fractures were directly caused by a specific diet. But they believe that consuming protein and calcium is key.

Overall, participants who did not eat red meat generally had a higher risk of hip fractures than their carnivorous counterparts – a statistic that held true even after adjusting for lifestyle variables such as income and education.

The vegans in the study tended to have lower levels of both nutrients in their diets. This makes sense because meat, eggs, and fish are rich sources of protein, and dairy products are an important source of calcium for non-vegans.

Vegans also tended to have a lower body mass index (or weight-to-height ratio), which is also a risk factor for fractures.

“Previous studies have shown that a low BMI is associated with a higher risk of hip fractures, and low calcium and protein intakes have both been linked to poorer bone health,” Dr Tammy Tong, Lead author of the study and nutritional epidemiologist at the University of Oxford, said in a press release.

Vegan diets can still be healthy

A well-balanced vegan diet can include things like beans, quinoa, oats, and soy for protein. For calcium, dark leafy green vegetables and chia seeds are good plant sources. But it’s also not a bad idea to supplement other nutrients like vitamin D whether you’re a vegan or not.

There is ample evidence that veganism can have health benefits as well. Previous research has linked a plant-based diet to lower blood pressure, reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, and lower risk of developing diabetes and / or obesity.

Accordingly, it is important to take the study with a grain of salt when considering which diet might be best for each person’s unique health needs.

“People need to consider the benefits and risks of their diet, make sure they have adequate levels of calcium and protein, and maintain a healthy BMI – that is, neither underweight nor underweight. overweight, ”Tong said in the press release.

Read more:

65-year-old vegan bodybuilder explains how he builds muscle with hour-long workouts and a raw vegetables diet

Why vegans and meat eaters can’t stop tackling each other

A vegan bodybuilder since 1998 explains how to build muscle on a plant-based diet


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