Summary of Gray's Anatomy Season 15, Episode 14: Amelia Planning an Outing?


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The anatomy of Gray Worst ranked couples (Seasons 1-14)

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The dead who walk Sneak Peek: Daryl is an A-Hole

The anatomy of Gray did not kill Betty Britney (Peyton Kennedy) as if we thought that they were going to do it, but the episode on Thursday only worried us more for the next shot of Amelia (Caterina Scorsone). Britney was part of a massive overdose of opioids that sent over 50 drug addicts to the hospital after taking laced pills. Although Teddy (Kim Raver) was able to save Britney during her operation, she will probably go home with her parents, leaving Amelia shaky.

We would not be too worried if a scene did not get on our nerves during the episode. When Linc (Chris Cormack) lamented about the number of patients with the odor illness that were coming in, Amelia asked him where he was going to escape and get away from it all. She wanted to know where he would disappear if his life deteriorated. He answered Barbados, which seemed a lot like Amelia.

Was it just an innocuous conversation to divert Amelia from the fact that her adoptive daughter was about to die from a drug overdose after Amelia did all that was in his power to keep it clean? Perhaps! However, Amelia is still steeped in a complicated love triangle and even though Owen (Kevin McKidd) has said to have chosen, some things make us wonder if it 'sa decision to which he is going to go. stick to it.

Britney's parents have already claimed Leo, Britney's young son whom Owen was planning to raise as his. It also seems unlikely that Britney will stay with Amelia now that her parents have found her and recognize that they need to help her cope with her addiction. Slowly but surely, The anatomy of Gray erodes the things that made Amelia and Owen such a unit. Together, they worked very well as co-parents, but they did not do much in terms of their face-to-face.

If Amelia and Owen's family are having fun, Amelia will not be? In this context, his question to Linc takes on a lot more weight. She could plan her own exit strategy if her personal life experiences another shock. Call us paranoid, but she was known to have chosen to fly over fight before, and her outing would make sure that Owen associates with Teddy and their perfect family much easier.

Do you think that Amelia is trying to bail out?

The anatomy of Gray broadcast on Thursdays at 8 am / 7c on ABC.

<img src = "data: image / gif; base64, R0lGODlhAQABAAAAACH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAABAAAAICTAEAOw ==" data-src = " 190221-grays-anatomy-caterina-scorsone .jpg | https: // jpg | https: // /i/2019/02/22/0603cdf7-6ae3-4285-a011-4c92c3524072/190221-greys-anatomy-caterina-scorsone.jpg "class =" article-attached-image-img b-lazy "alt =" Caterina Scorsone , The anatomy of Gray"width =" 2070 "height =" 1380 "title =" Caterina Scorsone, Anatomy of Gray "/>Caterina Scorsone, The anatomy of Gray


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