Sun gets hotter every day – "Will make the Earth uninhabitable" | Science | New


As the sun continues to burn through its ingredients, it gets warmer every day and eventually makes our home uninhabitable. Indeed, the sun, which already has a surface temperature of 5,505 degrees Celsius and a core of up to 15 million degrees Celsius, burns through its ingredients. The sun is already incredibly large and contains 99.8% of the mass of the solar system, but this mass is being depleted, resulting in the expansion of our host star and its release of additional heat in a process called fusion nuclear.

In the sun, the hydrogen atoms compress under immense pressure and fuse, releasing enormous quantities of energy in the form of heat.

As more and more hydrogen atoms are melted, more heat is released and the sun develops while brightening.

Eventually, the sun will become so big and hot that the Earth will be burned, rendering it uninhabitable.

Fortunately, we still have a few billion years left before that happens.

The Science Starts with Bang podcast wrote in an article for Forbes: "When time passes, changes in the sun make the Earth uninhabitable.

"As time goes on, the amount of mass lost by the sun will increase, especially as it enters the giant phase of its life. But even at this relatively constant rate, the growth of helium in the Sun's core means that we will warm up here on the planet Earth.

"After about 1 to 2 billion years, the sun will be hot enough for the Earth's oceans to evaporate completely, making liquid water impossible on the surface of our planet.

"As the sun gets lighter, it will become paradoxically warmer and hotter.

"Our planet has already used about three quarters of the time when the earth is habitable.

"As the sun continues to lose ground, humanity and all life on earth are nearing its inevitable destiny."


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