Sun protection in your bloodstream, Google conference and other information


The sunscreen chemicals are slide between your pores, Google has a big upcoming conference, and Game of thrones makes an "oopsie." Here's the news you need to know, in two minutes or less.

PSA: Sun protection chemicals can seep into your bloodstream

A new FDA clinical trial suggests that, contrary to what sunscreen manufacturers say, UV-blocking chemicals in sunscreens leak into the bloodstream. Do not discard these tubes for the moment though; to date, there is no evidence that something harmful is happening because of it.

What to expect from the big Google conference tomorrow

Google's I / O conference is tomorrow. You can watch it on, but before that, read our summary on what we hope to learn, from Google's privacy-related adaptations to new phones.

Cocktail conversation

In episode four of season eight of Game of thrones, many viewers saw what appeared to be a cup of Starbucks coffee accidentally left in a scene. But what was it really? And was it even a Starbucks mug? Our experts weighed with their assumptions.

WIRED recommends: VR helmets

Looking to escape reality? What about virtual reality? Our editors have assembled here the best virtual reality helmets adapted to your situation.

More news you can use

Facebook can ban who he wants. Just ask Trump's lawyers.

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