Supermoon 2019 LIVE stream: How to watch the LARGEST Moon of the year online? | Science | New


The Supermoon of tomorrow promises to be the biggest and brightest Full Moon of the year. The Full Moon is the second of a trio of Supermoons, which started on January 21st and will end on March 21st. This Supermoon will reach its peak in the UK in the afternoon of Tuesday, February 19th. reach the maximum brightness at 17:03 GMT (UTC), while the sun is still above the horizon.

For a better view of the Supermoon, you will have to wait for the sunset or opt for a live broadcast of the Supermoon online.

Astronomer Gianluca Masi, head of the Italian-based virtual telescope project, told that the virtual telescope will broadcast the Supermoon online Tuesday.

The livestream Supermoon will start at 16:30 GMT (UTC) on the Virtual Telescope website and via Youtube.

You can watch the livestream Supermoon in the integrated video player below.

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Mr. Masi said, "I'm happy to share with you that the virtual telescope will share live on February 19, 2019, Supermoon, the largest moon in the world.

"We will show our satellite while it will rise above Rome, among the legendary monuments of the Eternal City."

The astronomer said that the event would be an unforgettable experience, accessible to all.

Tuesday's Supermoon is a typical example of the Moon approaching its perigee – the closest point to its orbit on the Earth.

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When the Moon travels the world, it reaches its apogee and its furthest point, the apogee, at different times.

But a supermoon only occurs when the moon is in full moon or new moon phase.

When a Full Moon or New Moon approaches its peak, it is called Micromoon.

On Tuesday, the Supermoon will look about 7% brighter than any other ordinary Full Moon you'll see this year.

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Supermoon 2019: the livestream of the full moon

Supermoon 2019: The Full Moon will be available online Tuesday (Image: GETTY)

Mr. Masi said, "The Full Moon show, and of course the Supermoon, offers its best features when our satellite gets up or goes down, which happens at sunset and at night, respectively. dawn.

On February 19, 2019, Supermoon will appear about seven percent larger

Gianluca Masi, Virtual Telescope Project

"The Full Moon shines in the sky in the opposite direction to the Sun, so she gets up at sunset and goes to bed at dawn.

"At dusk, the residual sunlight scattered around our atmosphere allows us to admire the landscape as the Full Moon rises or sets on the horizon.

"At night, the Full Moon is very bright, almost dazzling, compared to the darkness of the landscape.

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Supermoon 2019: the livestream of the full moon

Supermoon 2019: the virtual telescope project will broadcast the Supermoon streaming (Image: VIRTUAL TELESCOPE PROJECT)

Supermoon 2019: NASA full moon scheme

Supermoon 2019: The Full Moon will be at its closest point to the Earth (Image: NASA)

"At sunrise, the moon appears behind monuments and landscape elements, giving the impression that its disks are larger than usual, but it's only a matter of time. optical illusion, because of the presence of these terrestrial elements on the line of m in comparison. "

Most astronomy enthusiasts may not be able to tell the difference between a regular Full Moon and the Supermoon this Tuesday, w not knowing what to look for.

Mr. Masi said, "On February 19, 2019, Supermoon will appear about 7% larger and a little brighter than an average Full Moon, but casual observers will not notice it at first glance.

"These are not really obvious variations, but they add charm to the event, a precious opportunity to admire or a natural satellite in the context of the night sky, a landscape increasingly neglected and forgotten."

According to the US NASA space agency, the Full Moon at the apogee appears about 405,500 miles (405,500 km) from the Earth.

Supermoon 2019: the livestream of the full moon

Supermoon 2019: Full Moon will rise during the day here in the UK (Image: GETTY)

The supermoon perigee appears from the Earth at a distance of 363 300 km from our home world.

This incredible distance difference occurs because the orbit of the moon around the Earth is elliptical and not perfectly round.

NASA said: "The shape of the Moon's orbit changes over time, thanks to the gravitational influence of the Sun and other planets.

"Extreme perigies and climaxes, or the farthest point of orbit, occur in a predictable manner.

"Something out of the ordinary: to have the full moon at the same time as an extreme perigee."


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