Supply continues to retain vaccinators as state moves to new milestone


MADISON, Wisconsin. – COVID-19 vaccinations are happening faster than many thought, but it still doesn’t seem fast enough for some.

“We’re really crossing thresholds,” said Matt Anderson, senior medical director at UW Health. “We are getting better and better.”

One million people are fully vaccinated in Wisconsin. Almost twice as many have at least one dose. This means that 30% of the state’s population is somewhat protected if another wave of infection occurs.

“Our ability to get people vaccinated faster is going to help us continue to keep those numbers low and ultimately get back to normal more quickly,” Anderson said.

Anderson says the proof lies in the DHS data.

“You’ll see the numbers 65 and over are really low, lower than other age groups, and they’ve definitely been the priority for immunization over the past two months,” Anderson said.

Next, doctors hope to see numbers like those reproduced in all categories.

“That’s the goal, to stop the infections and stop the virus by getting the level of immunity that we get with the vaccine,” said SSM Health regional vice president of pharmaceutical services Mo Kharbat.

As demand for vaccines fills almost every appointment in the region, Kharbat said the supply could not keep up.

“Can we further increase our capacity? Of course, if we have the necessary vaccine stocks, ”Kharbat said. “From now on, the only limiting factor is the number of doses we get each week.”

DHS plans to increase eligibility for people 16 and older by May 1.


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