Sustainable city plans on Mars unveiled, with hopes of starting construction in 33 years


As humans continue to explore Mars, plans are already underway to build a sustainable city on the Red Planet. The plans were unveiled by architecture studio ABIBOO, which has offices around the world, including two in the United States.

Nüwa, the capital and one of five planned for Tempe Mensa on Mars, is built vertically instead of horizontally into the side of a cliff, which would lessen the effect of atmospheric pressure and radiation, the latter being homeless mortal.

The town of Nüwa would be built on the side of a cliff to limit atmospheric pressure and radiation

The town of Nüwa would be built on the side of a cliff to limit atmospheric pressure and radiation

Fortunately, carbon dioxide and water can be present on the surface of Mars, which ABIBOO wants to use to help create steel and build exclusively from materials from the planet, which makes it sustainable.

The city would still include all of the pillars of a city on Earth, including homes, offices, and green spaces. The designs for space are based on scientific research by the Mars Society and the SONet network.

“We had to do a lot of computer-based analysis and work with scientists to try to understand what the circumstances are that we will be facing,” Alfredo Muñoz, founder of ABIBOO, told Euronews.

Those who dream of living in the city on Mars, however, should pass it on to their children and grandchildren – construction isn’t expected to start until 2054, and the move-in likely won’t be until 2100.

The `` green domes '' can serve as natural parks for humans or allow the development of vegetation

The “ green domes ” can serve as natural parks for humans or allow the development of vegetation

The city's green spaces will allow humans to enjoy something akin to the outdoors here on Earth

The city’s green spaces will allow humans to enjoy something akin to the outdoors here on Earth

The extreme environment of Mars creates challenges in building a safe and sustainable city for all.

The extreme environment of Mars creates challenges in building a safe and sustainable city for all.

The domes of the planet will be protected from external radiation by the presence of large overflight canopies

The domes of the planet will be protected from external radiation by the presence of large overflight canopies

Agricultural mods from the design studio show how vegetation can be grown on Mars

The design studio’s agricultural modules show how vegetation can be cultivated on Mars

The planned city’s population would be 250,000, her name being “rooted in the mythological Chinese goddess who is the protector of humans, who melted five stones to form strong societal pillars.”

Inside the cliff is most of the construction activity, with “ macro-buildings ” carved out inside the rock of the cliff.

There will also be the construction of “Green-Domes”, which will serve either as parks for residents or as a place to try and grow experimental vegetation.

Construction of the city is not expected to begin until 2054 and the move will likely not be until 2100

Construction of the city is not expected to begin until 2054 and the move will likely not be until 2100

One of the most unique aspects of the design is the verticality of the city, to help combat atmospheric pressure

`` Macro-buildings '' are excavations inside the rock of the cliff, which can be added after tunneling into the surface

“ Macro-buildings ” are excavations inside the rock of the cliff, which can be added after tunneling into the surface

Carbon dioxide and water may be present on the surface of Mars, which ABIBOO wants to use to help create steel.

Carbon dioxide and water may be present on the surface of Mars, which ABIBOO wants to use to help create steel.

The main source of food in the city is said to come from the cultivation of crops, which are said to make up about half of the diet of the people.

Microalgae are also said to be an essential part of people’s diets.

As for recreation, people will be able to participate in many of the same hobbies they enjoy on Earth, from sports to camping to arts and crafts.

The creation of steel using the planet’s resources is what contributes to making the capital a self-sustainable development

The city would still include all of the pillars of a city on Earth, including homes, offices, and green spaces.

The city would still include all of the pillars of a city on Earth, including homes, offices, and green spaces.

The designs of space are based on scientific research by the Mars Society and the SONet network

The designs of space are based on scientific research by the Mars Society and the SONet network

Nüwa is expected to have a population of 250,000 people.  Her name has roots in a mythological Chinese goddess

Nüwa is expected to have a population of 250,000 people. Her name has roots in a mythological Chinese goddess

Going from Earth to Mars will be a complicated task for those who want to live on the Red Planet, but not impossible.

It is hoped that a shuttle service can take people between planets, leaving every 26 months, with each trip taking between one and three months.

The cost of a one-way ticket for people migrating to Mars will be expensive and is expected to be around $ 300,000.

A regular shuttle service would allow people to go from Earth to Mars, with launch windows roughly every 26 months

A regular shuttle service would move people from Earth to Mars, with launch windows roughly every 26 months

Recreational spaces will allow humans to play sports, go camping and participate in artistic and craft activities

Recreational spaces will allow humans to play sports, go camping and participate in artistic and craft activities

Essentially, life on Mars won’t be drastically different from that of the movies over the past few decades.

Construction on the city is not expected to start until 2054 and the move will likely not be until 2100


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