$ 43 million – it takes a lot for parents with scabies


Photo: Pontus Lundahl / TT

The child was at school and dad at work – yet he asked for compensation for the care of his children. The discovery of vab has increased significantly so far this year. Stock Photography.

The vab cheat detected increases the explosion rate this year.

Up to now, more than 43 million kroner have been claimed from parents who have made mistakes, according to the figures that TT has participated in.

The number of police reports has almost doubled.

"We carry out more checks, then we also find more mistakes," said Alexandra Wallin, head of the child and family department at the Social Insurance Fund.

In recent years, the insurance fund has stepped up its action against deception in favor of sick children (VAB) – and more and more people are required to return money. So far this year, the total amount amounted to 43.8 million SEK, against 26.7 million SEK for the same period last year.

In 2013, the total amount of vab recoveries was only 5.8 million.

"This is the result of our intensification of our work against improper payments and premium breaks, we now have more directors who work with controls, more precise controls and who are working to improve our system to detect more errors, "Wallin said.

Twice more

Thus, it is not possible to conclude that the fuselage has increased, but we discover more cheating.

How many recoveries cheat and how many errors Alexandra Wallin can not answer.

"It is very difficult for us to say exactly how much it costs, but the absolute majority of all those who ask for wages want to do the right thing and that's good, it's a small percentage deliberately trying to make mistakes. and to commit a violation of financial support, "said Alexandra Wallin.

Errors and unintentional errors are usually corrected before payment, while suspected crimes are reported to the police. More and more parents would be police officers. So far this year, there are about 709 people, almost twice as many as the corresponding period in 2017.

"If you go to work and work as a parent and ask for work at the same time, it is a deliberate mistake that can be criminal," says Wallin.

However, there are relatively few who have been brought to justice. Last year this proportion was found to be 14%.

Large sums

Usually, recoveries represent less money. But recently, a man from the municipality of Eksjö was claimed for 207,000 SEK after claiming 72 days of pregnancy for which he was not entitled. The man was at work, took a vacation or was vacant on the days for which he was looking for money. Sometimes child care was also closed or the child went there.

He is not the greatest sinner either. A 40-year-old couple in Örebro County is required to collect more than one million Swedish kroner for low-paid wages, a 32-year-old man in Kalmar County on nearly 700,000.

The insurance fund estimated at 15% the proportion of days unpaid in the total amount of vab.

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