Jhenny of Kaxås was hunted by the bear – for three kilometers


First, both runners heard someone who knew in the woods.

Suddenly, a bear broke between the trees – chasing them for three kilometers

– it's one of the worst I've ever experienced, says Jhenny Larsson.

On the summer day, Jhenny Larsson, 26, and Celine Oldstrand, 19, in the forest between Upper Kaxås and Söråsen, northwest of Östersund

During the ride, Celine heard a low whistling of the forest. She thought it was unpleasant and felt that they were persecuted. Jhenny did not hear the sound and dismissed it as unnecessary anxiety

The horses panicked

A little later, they heard a mumbling between the trees. It seemed as though the pickpots came in and chatted. Then Jhenny started to hear the fishing country.

Then there was a loud noise, as if someone entered and was wrecked. Jhennys Grollan's horse was panicking

– Most of the time, a horse is afraid to feel the heart thrown under saddle. But now she only froze to ice, then she heard how she was deepened and the heart hit the ground. Then she went like a payroll, says Jhenny Larsson.

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Jhenny Larsson, 26, has a blood clot in her leg that prevents her from moving freely.

"There was no little bear"

The horses of Jhennys and Céline go at full speed. yet they did not know why. So Celine shouted:

– Do not just look!

Jhenny looked, and saw a bear running in the woods 4-5 meters next to them. The horses galloped on open steps, but the bear did not seem to strive to keep the same speed between the dense trunks of the trees

– I had no control over the horse, and I did not know what to do if I fell. I have a blood clot in my leg, Celine has a hemophilia. This means that a small bruise can be dangerous for her, "says Jhenny Larsson.

She tried to contact Celine, who now slamming, crying and clinging to her horse, even though Jhenny feared for his life

– It's one of the worst I've seen.

Photo: Berit Roald / TT

The Swedish brown bear can weigh up to 39 to 600 kilos and reach 1.5 meters high.

Chased for three kilometers

The bear pursued them for three kilometers before coming out of the woods .Then he sat in and watched the two runners

Why they persecuted them do not know They did not feel that it would actually attack – if it was, he had several options to do it

– It is very dry and difficult to find food at this time We may have been disturbed when the bear came t find something to eat.

Earlier, Jhenny rode in the woods daily – but after the event, none of them was still there.

– I do not learn time. Celine, I think, will never do it again.

So act if you meet a bear 00:60

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