Exceptional sun radiation this summer – P4 Malmöhus


Those who are in the sun will have to protect themselves a little more from now on. We are on the road to the month of the year when the UV radiation of the sun is strongest.

And there has already been a lot of radiation in Skåne. Through the strain, UV radiation is the highest in 19 years. Svenska SMHI does not measure during the same periods, but it is not excluded that we will also have historical levels in Skåne in July.

– July has just started, but it started with a thin layer of ozone and UV rays. UV expert at SMHI.

Exposure to for large amounts of UV radiation tears the skin hard and increases the risk of skin cancer.

– The time you can stay in the sun if you are sensitive is not so long, it can take between a quarter and a half hour, "says Weine Josefsson.

In these times of the World Cup, however, it is impossible to see some links in the statistics.

– July 1994 is the month when we had the highest UV radiation in southern Sweden. So let's hope the heat continues until we get an extra place in this World Cup, "said Weine Josefsson.

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