The community may have saved the boys


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  The boys were found after nine days
The boys were found after nine days. Photo: TT
The effort was as planned and the boys would be healthy both physically and mentally. This despite the fact that they closed the cave for more than two weeks – the first nine days completely out of touch with the outside world. "What we know earlier is that leadership plays an extremely important role," says a psychology professor.

– The worst feeling is the total lack of control. You sit there and do not know if anyone will find you, or if you will die slowly but surely there. It's the same feeling as for the hostage, "says Gerry Larsson, professor of psychology at the College of Defense

In that state, safety and hope are vital, he understands and refers to previous cases of adults who remained in the mines.Also affecting after

When the football team was found, the boys even seemed to laugh and joke in front of the cameras. suggests that they had a good cohesion – and especially a good leader.

– Leadership is something that repeats itself over and over again, it also affects how to recover afterwards, especially if you have had bad leadership, it puts deep roots in the soul, which makes it harder to find.

And now, they will certainly continue to stay together because they are part of the same team, and I think that it's great 19659008] First year the most diff icile

The hardest thing for boys is probably the first year, says Larsson.

Positive is that children of this age are usually in a dynamic period, which makes it easier to attract attention Against something else

But what a lot of people tend to mark, it is the fact that it switches between the times when it can be avoided and sometimes when you are caught by tanks of anxiety and disaster. The fact is that it's natural to have this ride – it will be easier to close those unpleasant thoughts.

First and foremost, the group needs to recover physically, Larsson says. The investigations show suspicions of infections and deprivations.

You must not underestimate the physical – the body is always the base.


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