A person escaped from the Prison Service's transport in Laxå


A 25-year-old man escaped to prison

A large police force with dogs and helicopters is looking for the man.

– He is accused of a serious crime and is now in space so he can be desperate and act aggressively or threateningly, "Christina Hallin told police.

A 25-year-old man was jailed for transportation between a forensic psychiatric clinic in Gothenburg and Salberga in Sala. The event took place just after 11:30 Thursday, between Finnerödja and Laxå.

1 of 2 | Photo: Christian Vargahed

Detained for a serious crime

The rhyme occurred when you paused en route. Suddenly, the man managed to escape and run into the woods.

– There is no official resting place but a small road on the E20, just south of Borasjön, in southern Örebro County. Bergslagen

The staff that he did not catch.

– The car stopped when it arrived. Police said that the man had been arrested for a serious crime

Police may be aggressive or threatening

According to police, police said the car had stopped working. There was no violence or escapement threats.

– We alerted the police and secured other customers in transit. No customer or staff is injured. It is too early to say exactly what happened and how it can happen. A special survey will be added, says Claes Nöjd.

Several police patrols, dogs and a helicopter were linked to search for the man.

– This person is charged with a serious crime and is now in the space, so he can be desperate and act aggressively or threateningly. However, I do not have any details about him, "said Christina Hallin.

" Do you see the person – call the 112 "

The man was dressed in the clothes of the guard , a gray t-shirt and slashed pants, barefoot and about 175 cm tall with dark curly hair, police say.

– He was also handcuffed, says Christina Hallin.

police call on his website to call the police if see or see the space.

– If you see the person right now, you should call 112, but if it's time you can call 114-14, says Hallin, adding:

– We are totally in favor of touch this person.

The text is in the process of being

The three Titles of today 00:29

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