Minister's statement on Swedish meat criticized – P4 Halland


Sven-Erik Bucht, Minister of Rural Affairs, interviewed urgently to buy Swedish meat because of the plight of Swedish farmers during the drought.

– I buy Swedish and I hope more people buy Swedish. This is a way to alleviate the crisis, said Sven-Erik Bucht in a previous interview with P4 Kronoberg.

But Erik Lagerlöf as a Professor of Law at the Stockholm School of Economics criticizes the statement because it could be contrary to the EU's Internal Market and Free Movement [19659002] – We have an internal market within the framework of EU cooperation, that is to say that we have a free movement of goods. This means that measures taken by a minister that impede trade may be prohibited to restrict freedom of movement, "explains Erik Lagerlöf.

The Minister of Rural Affairs says that there is a difference

– That myself, as a Swedish, buys Swedish meat and I hope that others do so can not be banned in any EU regulations, says Sven-Erik.

more solutions than buying Swedish meat only, thinks Erik Lagerlöf

– In this context, it should be remembered that some aspects of the free movement of goods allow Swedish farmers to export their agricultural products to other Member States without hindrance.

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