David conducts Isabella Lövin (MP) on heavy rock


In a post shared by thousands on Facebook, David Brännström runs with Isabella Lövin (MP). The joke is of course very heavy stones.

Isabella Lövin (MP) was confronted in the Opinion Live SVT program on the environmental field of the family by car last week. She then replied that it was necessary because her husband is working with "very, very heavy stones". This commentary saw David Brännström in Umeå borrow. When he went on vacation, he showed how he was carrying a caravan with a truck. In the post, he writes: "If anyone thinks we have an unnecessarily large tractor to pull the caravan, it's okay because we are working with very heavy stones."

– At first I did not write any text at all Was it a somewhat sophisticated answer, says David Brännström.

1 of 3 | Photo: David Brännström

The message has been shared by thousands.

"Konstant Plingade"

When he added the girl to Isabella Lövin's defense, the comments were taken

– it was just to turn off the phone constantly plunged. Many have heard and think that it was fun, he said.

He shared the image on Dahlberg Åkeri's Facebook page and has more than 3,000 brands of gills

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