Italian firefighters will extinguish forest fires in Sweden


New fire alarms were received Tuesday night. At the same time, several places were welcomed due to the critical situation.

The hope of extinguishing the worst is now put to Italian fires.

– Rescue leaders need urgent help, says Jakob Wernerman, at the Security and Preparedness Agency, MSB.

Several alarms about new fires in the country were received. Among other things, a fire broke out in Jättendal in Hälsingland – a few kilometers from the municipality of Ljusdal where Ängra and Engelsogen are already severely affected.

On Wednesday, two Italian Canadair CL-415 planes will land in Örebro. It is said that they will be in Sweden for eight days, and that they should be on duty Wednesday afternoon.

The hope is that the aircraft, capable of detonating 6,000 liters of water at a time, should be able to put an end to the biggest fires.

1 of 3 | Photo: KOSTAS TSIRONIS / TT / NTB Scanpix

It is mainly in three counties, Dalarna, Jämtland and Gävleborg, whose location is critical. Local rescue services are working hard to control the fires – without success.

– Resources are limited and many rescue officials testify to a situation that they have never known before. They need urgent help, "said Jakob Wernerman, Security and Preparedness Agency, MSB

. He says the plan should serve as a national resource and that various rescue services can ask for help with the aircraft. If several areas ask for help at the same time, MSB makes a strategic assessment

Many are wondering why Sweden does not have its own firefly.

– First, it must be remembered that fire is unique. It's rare that the situation looks like what it is now.

– So, accessibility in the EU is sufficient. In recent years, we have called for support to fight forest fires on three separate occasions.

Jakob Wernerman also points out that it costs a lot of money to own this resource.

Housing Granted

Authorities sent four so-called important messages to the public. Two of them apply to the municipality of Ljusdal. In one case, the inhabitants of the affected area of ​​Ängra are invited to leave. In the second, which took place on Monday, the inhabitants of Enskogen and around are invited to the same thing.

In Älvdalen, all the people in the firing range were called to evacuate because of the unexploded ordnance. ] In addition, all the ground efforts by the civil protection service in the region has been interrupted because of the large caliber ammunition, the severe extinction work significantly increased. When the heat rises to 80 degrees, there is a high risk that the ammunition will explode.

– It's too dangerous for us to work on the spot. The fire spreads uncontrollably, now it goes to Jämtland and Härjedalen, said fire chief Johan Szymnaski Monday evening

The hope is to be able to continue the water bombardment and return to the staff Tuesday morning.

In Pålgård and Bispgården in the municipality of Ragunda, all those affected by the fire are encouraged to stay indoors with closed doors, windows and disused ventilation.

Tuesday evening, the Jämtland Rescue Service reports that twelve forest fires ravage the county.

They were the five largest forest fires of Sweden 00:45

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