SMHI Warns Against Very High Heat


The extreme heat continues to hobble Sweden.

SMHI now expires with class 2 warnings on extreme fire hazards in large parts of the country – with temperatures exceeding 30 degrees for several days in a row.

– This is a great strain for the body to be out at these high temperatures, says Mikael Sjöstrand, a metrologist at Foreca.

Heat and heat dominate large parts of Sweden.

SMHI issued Class 2 warnings in Kalmar County, Östergötland and East Svealand due to high temperatures.

– Class 2 warnings for extremely high temperatures are issued if the maximum daytime temperature is estimated to be 30 degrees or more for five consecutive days or 33 degrees on three consecutive days, says Foreca's meteorologist Mikael Sjöstrand.

Class 1 warnings are also issued in other parts of Götaland, Svealand and southeastern Norrland. This means that it should be 30 to 32 degrees for three or four consecutive days.

– It's good to think of the elderly and the sick who suffer the most from these heat warnings, says Mikael.

The meteorologist Mikael also warns that there is a risk of thunder Tuesday in Norrbotten and Västerbotten, where during the day there was a thunderstorm.

Extremely dry in chips

SMHI also warns that it is very or extremely dry in chips.

"The risk of fires in forests and land is therefore very large or extremely important in most parts of the country," they write.

At the same time, they point out that the risk of fire is slightly lower along the Norrland coast.

How remarkable are these warnings?

– It is often hot in July, we also had heat waves for many years. That's what happens sometimes, but it's not so often that we have temperatures so high for so long.

There is also a risk of water shortages in most parts of Götaland, southern Norrland and Svealand.

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