Winds make it difficult for the ship to work


The oil spill was restricted by the surrounding county and the oil is now sanctioned by the Coast Guard units in place.

– No island in the immediate vicinity is at risk of an oil spill yet. We are mapping the ocean with the help of one of our specially equipped planes and we are looking at which tank the oil can come from, "says Roger Gebauer, Rescue Officer, in a press release.

Coast Guard Strengthens Resources

Coastal surveillance continues to strengthen its resources in the form of ships, aircraft, personnel, and environmental protection. The gardener is surrounded by both limiting and absorbent joints to protect against other spills of oil. The lenses are moved with the waves and must be maintained and adjusted permanently.

– The orientation is unchanged. According to Roger Gebauer, all the lower oil drain tanks must be emptied before the recovery becomes applicable

Resumption plan on hold

The Transportation Agency has not yet approved an expedition plan. Since yesterday, a calculation expert has been working on ship stability models. It is not known when the necessary calculations are completed.

– We are serious about the situation and we are ready to see that the rescue is done as soon as possible. Our goal is that the near environment will be spared by oil, "says Roger Gebauer

Current weather conditions with 10-second winds are expected to last during the day, and then slow down at night and at night.

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