Unusual discovery of a controller in Bohuslän


Large quantities of an unusual aquatic animal appeared outside of Tjörn

Burning can cause rips, chills and cramps.

– I could barely touch and not understand what happened to my body, says Tobias Karlsson who missed the mane.

He usually comes to the south of Russia and Japan. But now, "hung jellyfish" – Gonionemus host or "hydra" – have been discovered in Skåpesund on Tjörn in Bohuslän.

– He has strong nasal cells and burns well. If you are hypersensitive to these poisons, which you unfortunately do not know before you burn, you should be careful. It's a cocktail that looks like the fire brigade, but it's noticeably stronger. You can be very sick and have chills, cramps, cramps, and big vomiting on the skin, "said Matz Berggren, a researcher at the Department of Marine Sciences at the University of Gothenburg

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I could barely touch myself and I did not understand what happened to my body, "says Tobias Karlsson

The discovery of" sticky jellyfish ", which is actually classified as a nesting animal, is the first discovery in greater quantity, was made in Sweden

It is small, about 2.5 centimeters wide, and during the day it likes to walk in the meadows of eelgrass and at night swimming

Breathing difficulties and cramps

Tobias Karlsson is bathed with his partner and son in Tjörn a few weeks ago.

At first he thought it was a common fire man but his condition quickly became d

Just a few hours after being burned, Tobias Karlsson suffered from anguish. He had breathing difficulties, cramps and cramps to the whole body.

– I could barely touch myself and could not understand what had happened to my body, he said.

He looked for two different health centers, but they thought he was a common and fiery man

. only when he got in touch with Lena Renfors as he understood what he had come across. It was burned by a sticky jellyfish

"Be terrible and painful"

Even the adult son of Lena Renfors encountered the unusual joystick. The two bathed in Tjörn last week when they met a biologist who had told him that he had found jellyfish hanging on it.

Later in the evening, they were night and night.

– He was snorkeling. He took an evening break and got stuck on his throat. It was terrible and painful. We went to Kungsälv urgently and they had never heard of "sticky jellyfish", says Lena Renfors

– I told you on a Facebook page because I wanted to warn others and c & rsquo; So I got in touch with Tobias Karlsson. I hope nobody else happens to her, she continues.

Were you worried?

– Obviously, he received a fierce reaction and received morphine tablets and Alvedon. He was stunned for two days and today it has become better. He still has a sore throat.

Several copies in the laboratory

On Friday, marine biologist Björn Källström was outside Skåpesund after hearing about animals. He filmed them and brought back several copies to the lab

– The sensitivity towards ordinary firefighters is different and I am not particularly sensitive. Björn Källström explains: "If you see them in the water, you should stay away. Common firefighters are clearly visible, but they can swim in the water without seeing them. But they enjoy eel grass, and usually ordinary swimmers do not usually want to swim. According to Björn Källström, the baths that were burned were between 5 and 10 meters from the eel.

asks the public to report the results

Researcher Matz Berggren invites those who encounter jellyfish or Gonionemus host to report it to the "Art Portal" or "Rap" of the Sea and Water Authority.

– The public is important People who see, listen to, and relate to nature can get a better idea of ​​how they grow up and how much they get, "says Berggren. the sea? Stop it 00:30

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