Herbert, 86 years old and Gudrun live together for 50 years – pronounced by the municipality


In the 1970s, Gudrun Hägglund, 94, and Herbert Dahl, 86, became a couple. They have lived together for almost 50 years in Stugun, in the municipality of Ragunda, Jämtland.

When Herbert became ill last winter, they both moved to a short-term residence. Herbert then became healthy and had to move home. But Gudrun, insane, was forced to stay.

He could not take care of herself. But he did his best, in addition to what our parents offered. In the end, however, it was no longer possible, says Lena Dahl Jämtgård, Herbert's daughter.

Seeking a place in the retirement home

As a result, the couple's parents sought a place for Gudrun at the Bergegården senior citizens' residence in Stugun. This is because Gudrun and Herbert could live as close as possible to each other.

In May of this year, the municipality rejected the project and decided to remove the premises of Bergegården, which the Östersund County newspaper was the first to report.

Instead, Gudrun moved to the Hammarstrand Retreat House, about five miles away.

There she now lives – far from her dear Herbert.

"It means that my father has to travel 15 km, she wants him to be there often and he tries twice a week, but it's going to stop," says Lena Dahl Jämtgård.

"She feels happy when she's here and how sad she feels when he has to leave." Gudrun receives too little stimulus and gets worse and worse.

The girl: "There are two rooms available"

Lena Dahl Jämtgård says that there are two rooms available in Bergegården. Therefore, she can not understand why the municipality decided as she did.

– They have been independent and have paid taxes throughout their lives. They have never used anything, they have never had home service or anything else. How to treat people during their last life, the elderly are worth more than that.

If Gudrun had his place in the Bergegården senior citizens' home, Herbert had only 75 meters to go to cover that distance.

Lena Dahl Jämtgård, accompanied by Gudrun's son, Stig, appealed Gudrun's placement in administrative law.

Politician: "Always risk someone catching up"

Lennart Skoog, (S), is chairman of the social committee of the municipality of Ragunda. According to the Östersund newspaper, he explains that the politicians supported the decision to appeal to Herbert and Gudrun.

In addition, it is about the state of the parts, explains Lennart Skoog. According to him, they do not meet the requirements of the National Board of Health. There is always the risk that someone will have problems, he says.

"I fully understand Herbert's reaction, but unfortunately, in this case, we had to do that, there is always the risk that someone will get in trouble," Lennart Skog told the paper.

The girl sees a lightning now

When Expressen talks to Lena Dahl Jämtgård, she thinks she is watching lightning – after the newspapers and television reported the case.

– There is a new council in the municipality after the elections. And we have the impression that they took care of everything that was written about Herbert and Gudrun.

In the Nyheter SVT section, the municipality announces that you hope to find a solution in Gudrun.

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