S in Gothenburg is about to be challenged – by his own partners


That's about all in Gothenburg's politics. Nearly two months after the elections, the newly elected general assembly meets for the first time on Thursday. There is then a historical risk: the social democrats can be completely marginalized in the provisional presidency proposed by the General Assembly.

Göteborgs Posten was the first to speak about this unique emergency solution: because the political situation is colder than Siberia and the parties have not agreed on how the municipal government must be governed, the strengths of the city council are not clear. As a result, none of the parties wants to elect a Speaker of Parliament with three MP positions for the next four years.

But since No agreement has been reached, they correspond to the reddish – against the Social Democrats. According to several independent sources on both sides of the bloc's border, it is possible for the Social Democrats to break away from the parliamentary presidency tonight.

This will be possible because the three parties on the red-green side have more mandates than the only social democrats, aged 19 to 17. It is remarkable that the four parties are divided in this way after four years of cohabitation. It will probably be much more than a humble reminder to S of his precarious situation – he will probably be purely humiliated for the former ruling party.

The three reddish green The parties continue to turn around the knife during the GP debates on Thursday morning – just hours before the meeting. There, the three leftist group leaders, MP and Fi, describe the Gothenburg social democrats as passive and in the absence of initiatives. Instead, bid they in S for the negotiations, as well as the Liberals. The fact that it is the old parties of cooperation of the Social Democrats who invite most of the negotiation is not a child's game. It's a show of force: S will know its place.

S must be the largest, but V, Mp, and Fi are larger.

In the debate, the article writes Daniel Bernmar (V), Karin Pleijel (MP) and Stina Svensson (Fi) to: "The political situation in Gothenburg is complicated and no traditional bloc obtains the majority. The red-green rose is always larger than the bourgeois parties and the Democrats seem to refuse to cooperate with them. However, our reddish green can form a majority cooperation with the Liberals. This cooperation is new in Gothenburg and requires time for discussions and negotiations. If the social democrats remain passive and do not seek solutions, they leave the regime practically to the bourgeois parties."

The proposal is a pure fantasy. At the national level, the Liberals categorically excluded cooperation with two parties: the Swedish Democratic Party and the leftist party. "The left party is, for me, the same as the Swedish democrat for ideological reasonsparty leader Jan Björklund told the SVT's agenda a few weeks ago, while there are local examples where the Liberals and the left party are part of the same cross-border committee. of block, but this should be completely in the absence of reality anchored in Gothenburg.The leader of the local group, Helene Odenjung (left), sits Odenjung and Bernmar (V) are the radar couples of the council with regard to the formalities of meeting.

Even the social democrats want to see cross-border cooperation in Gothenburg. Ann-Sofie Hermansson (S) said Wednesday at P4 Göteborg that she saw no prerequisites for presenting a pure green-red budget.

But what S would like to see a cross-border solution is not the same as V, MP and Fi wanting a cross-border solution with S and L. For the three red-green parties acting against S, this is a sign that the interaction in the red-green camp does exist. In addition, the fact that V, Mp and Fi leave S outside the presidency of the assembly indicates that they are ready to follow their own path and isolate S as a red opposition force -verte common.

The battle for power In Gothenburg, there are two different red opposition blocs: one with the Social Democrats, all alone, and the other with V, Mp and Fi. And in such a situation, it will not be Järntorget's left-wing opposition policy will be taken.

Csaba Bene Perlenberg, independent columnist on the GT side

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