Swedes want a constant summer time – but researchers advise


After a resounding no, the European Commission opened an investigation earlier this year to abolish the current switching system between winter and summer. 4.6 million European citizens responded to the survey and 84% would drop the calendar. At present, the countries of the Union are trying to negotiate a new system.

The Swedish government commissioned this spring a survey to map the effects of changes over time on public health, agriculture, energy, transport, recreation and tourism. A number of authorities will assist the state office in the investigation, which will be completed on November 22.

Can be changed next year

In December, the relevant ministers of the EU countries will discuss the issue. Will they accept that the calendar be abolished as soon as next year? The question now is whether it will be summer or winter permanent.

READ MORE: New proposal from the European Commission forever in summer

Metro let the company survey Yougov ask the question of summer time or winter. Here is the clear answer:

  • 42% want a summer permanently.
  • 24% want a permanent winter time.
  • 18% want to maintain the current system, with change twice a year.
  • 16% of respondents do not know.

Speaker Arne Lowden of the Stress Research Institute at Stockholm University studied daily rhythms, light behavior and sleep. It is not surprising that so many people want a constant summer time.

– Most have discovered that summer transitions have advantages. I also think it's nice to be brighter on spring evenings. But living with the summer in winter is a completely different thing.

Harmful to public health

Arne Lowden believes that one hour of permanent summer would be detrimental to public health.

– This is very important with daylight in the morning during the winter months. It is telling the brain that the day has now begun. The light removes the melatonin supplement, which is a black hormone that you have had during the night. It also affects the rhythm of cortisol, which is also part of the daily rhythm.

According to research, many people suffer from fatigue, depression and sleep in the winter, due to lack of morning light.

– You need a daily rhythmic stimulus in the morning. All day before 10 am is good for us, says Arne Lowden.

This can not be offset by the fact that the constant summer time can give a little more hours of light in the afternoon.

– Any other light in the day only shows the rhythm we already have.

The problem is exacerbated by the fact that the blue light at night, from computer screens and mobile screens, will further delay the pace.

READ MORE: Researcher's warning: Lack of sleep in society is a deadly threat

Arne Lowden thinks it's worrying that many go out to go out in the morning. Especially the youngest, who have more and more health problems.

– They have entered what we call the community open 24 hours a day and are more vulnerable.

Researcher in united health

Arne Lowden and his colleagues gave their perspective on the schedule of investigators at the state office.

– From our point of view, it is clear. If we have a permanent solution, then it will be the normal time, what we now call the winter time. I think that the Public Health Agency and other reference agencies working with health will say the same thing.

"But politicians will ignore it," said pessimist Arne Lowden, fearing that policymakers will choose to meet the will of the people and the summer time.

He does not think that the discussions at EU level will change the issue.

"European politicians think of their constituents and forget that in Scandinavia, the situation is very special.The time of summer preserved means that we have much less light in the morning than in other countries.

READ MORE: Finland wants to break the summer time – highlighting health reasons

Daylight Saving Time was introduced in Sweden in 1980 and became mandatory in the EU in 1996.

During the weekend, the night from Saturday to Sunday, the clock will start to turn back an hour and we get a morning of sleep.

The disadvantage is that the darkness comes an hour earlier in the evening. Cyclists should check that the light is working and that the walker may need to look at his reflexes at him and the children.

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