The intensive pursuit of bank robbers in Åtvidaberg will benefit from a strengthening of the national police force


Police efforts to clean up the bank robbery at Åtvidaberg on Friday were intensive throughout the weekend.

The pursuit of thieves and the survey called a special event and a staff was formed.

However, no arrests have yet been made.

"We have resources from all over the region and have acquired a national force," said Ulrika Herbst, East Regional Policeman, in a press release.

According to Erik TernebornVice-President of the Eastern Region Police, the work intensity was slightly reduced on Sunday afternoon.

"We are conducting a technical review of the three crime zones, the bank, the burnt car and the armored police car, and we are hearing witnesses, and we have received a lot of images and films from the public.

Of the three crime scenes?

– I do not want to get into that.

"What we are doing the most with what we are doing right now is the advice we have been getting and trying to find the bronze-colored Peugeot," said Terneborn, referring to the thief's fleet.

It was just before 3 pm On Friday, several heavily armed people stole the savings fund in Åtvidaberg, in the east of Ostergotland.

The thieves flew in a light gray BMW. In the Fågelsången district, they burned the BMW and changed their vans into a bronze-colored Peugeot with a wrong registration number LAE283.

Read more: A thief against the police after a bank robbery in Åtvidaberg

At one point, on route 691 to the west of Åtvidaberg, thieves showed that they were ready to use force. When a police patrol discovered the Peugeot and drove after the stop, she opened fire. Since then, the police have no record of the perpetrators.

"We stopped several cars in Östergötland and Sörmland, which I know," says Erik Ternborn.

Witnesses declared a variety number of thieves. Some talked about a dozen.

"It's kind of a testimony of fate." We chose not to go out with a specific number, but there were several.

How can a group thief in a car disappear without a trace?

– It seems to be well planned.

Even though the police have already received many tips, you are very interested in more.

– Even if something was seen before Friday in Åtvidaberg and the surrounding area. For example, in Fågelsången, where the burnt car was found, says Ternborn.

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