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It is time to vote now, said the leader of the Christian Democratic Party, Ebba Busch Thor.

"We do not have a lot of time with different exploration missions.

Earlier in the day, Stefan Löfven, an S leader, spoke of his attempt to form a government after two weeks of exploration. Löfven's discussions did not result in any regular negotiations.

"In a way, we need to refine the process, we can not have all the options on the table," said Löfven, on the way forward.

Sharp Mode

Even moderate leader Ulf Kristersson thinks something else is needed after a month of probing without posting.

"Nothing will change until you start testing the options in a clear position," says Ulf Kristersson.

He is ready to let the options that he had previously suggested be tried in the Riksdag. Among other things, it is a government comprising the four parties of the Alliance, even without support from S.

"It's my first priority, but it requires the support of other Alliance parties," Kristersson said.

He also proposed a moderate government where not all parties to the alliance are included. The Center and the Liberals have so far said no to both, because they do not want to sit in a government that depends on the support of the Swedish Democrats.

Jimmie Åkesson, for its part, will not support any government on which Swedish Democrats are not allowed to influence.

Ruck on

The situation is still stalled and Annie Lööf, head of the center, said that Sweden would not have a government if the parties did not start beating. She herself does not complain of wanting an alliance government led by Ulf Kristersson with the support of the bloc's boundary, which S and MP rejected.

Lööf does not give a clear message if she is ready to take on the probation task now that Kristersson and Löfven have failed.

"As a party leader, I am ready to help venerate existing locks," she says.

Jan Björklund announced that Ulf Kristersson was still his main candidate for the position of Prime Minister, but Annie Lööf was a good second-hand alternative.

– There is an option that has not been tested, he explains why Lööf should now get the president's probationary assignment.

However, that does not mean that she must become prime minister only because she receives the mission of exploration, he argues.

Over time, pressure on President Andreas Norlén will increase pressure on party leaders. One of the solutions is to submit proposals to the candidates for the position of Prime Minister at the Riksdag. For each candidate who is rejected, one gets closer to an additional choice.

Not the first in sex

Stefan Löfven, who has already been voted once, believes that in this case he is not the first to be on tour. He quotes the Alliance and the Swedish Democrats who voted for him.

"There are some who will line up here to vote, I think there should be others who will be first in this genre," Löfven said.

SD leader Jimmie Åkesson explained to the speaker that he was ready to take on the probationary task.

"It's not that I think I can be prime minister, but it would be a mess," said Jimmie Åkesson.

If Åkesson were sent on probation, he would focus on discussions with Ulf Kristersson and Ebba Busch Thor.

President Andreas Norlén met in the afternoon all party leaders. He will then hold a press conference to announce the next step.

Facts: Monday speaking time

09.45: The President receives Stefan Löfven and his report on the last exploration to form a government.

12:00 pm: the president meets moderator Ulf Kristersson.

12.30: The Swedish Democrats Jimmie Åkesson.

13h00: Annie Lööf, head of the center.

1:30 pm: Jonas Sjöstedt, leader of the left party.

2:00 pm: Ebba Busch Thor, leader of the Christian Democratic Party

2.30 pm: Liberal leaders Jan Björklund.

15:00: Party of the languages ​​of the environment Isabella Lövin and Gustav Fridolin.

Around 16:30: the president will hold a press conference.

Source: Parliament

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