Sundsvallsläkare wants to take back Voon in Sollefteå – P4 Västernorrland


Care, Care and Care in Norrland, was declared bankrupt at the end of last week and the debt would be four million dollars. Voon says many intensive health care patients have enrolled with them, which has cost a lot. The head of bankruptcy now runs the health center. Next week, Voon management and the West Norway region will meet to discuss the fate of the health center and its patients.

According to Allehanda and SVT Västernorrland, two or three large local private health practitioners are interested in taking over. P4 Västernorrland has looked for several actors, we have unconfirmed information about at least one other major health care provider who plans to take over in Sollefteå.

Hassan Soleymanpur is one of those who want to take care of Sollefteå and who carries a message. He does not just want to run the health center, he also wants to take charge of the hospital and the elderly care of the municipality.

"All care in Sollefteå should have a main man," he says. The three parts must be one. Sollefteå is too small for anything else.

But neither when the region of Västernorrland was the only actor that worked. It was and is hardly a doctor at the health center. All politicians are aware that the economy is purging itself constantly with huge relay costs.

– But I never had a doctor relay in my health centers. So goes Hassan Soleymanpur, the doctor who currently runs three health centers in Sundsvall. In Alnö and Skönsmon, alongside Sundsvalls Vårdteam AB and St Olof in Nacksta.

The argument that other high-intensity care patients become a financial problem for a health center, does not believe it.

– For those, you're better paid too.

Hassan Soleymanpur was already in Sollefteå a few months ago.

If it becomes his Caspian company that makes an offer and receives Voon, he will hesitate if it will be the same with the same staff.

"We can take care of the staff, but you have to be ready to work differently," he says. For example, he is a doctor, but does not hesitate to do what nurses do otherwise, such as vaccinating and injuring.

P4 Västernorrland: So, if your Caspien healthcare company is up to date, you want more than the Sollefteå health center. You also want to benefit from hospital and municipal care for the elderly. Staff must be willing to work differently, beyond the boundaries of care. Patients can then benefit from more consistent care. And the economy can be controlled – what are you thinking?

– Yes, just like that.

The Voon Health Center and its 8,000 patients listed are the most acute of the moment. The issue of the Sollefteå hospital could eventually be investigated by the Western Norway Region and the survey will be conducted in December or January. Presumably this is part of a possible political agreement in the search for a majority in the country where Social Democrats and moderates are currently identified as being closest to the agreement.

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