Let all schools work on sustainable development


November 11th Is It Green Flag Day? About 2,000 schools and kindergartens celebrate their green flag and their systematic approaches to learning for sustainable development across the country. This is why the Drapeau Vert program is a way of working that gives all children and all students the power and future confidence in sustainable development. We know that schools and kindergartens related to the program work more actively for sustainable development and involve students more in sustainable development efforts than those who are not affiliated.

But not everyone has the opportunity to work on it. In many municipalities, schools and pre-schools do not receive resources or support for learning about sustainable development – although this is clearly expressed in the programs and policy objectives.

Today only deposits All schools in five are learning resources for sustainable development – in spite of political goals and program requirements. According to the Håll Sverige Rent questionnaire, the newly elected Riksdag has a clear majority, as there is a need to strengthen the demand of schools to work on learning about sustainable development. .

In the government's action plan For the 2030 Agenda of last year, the ambition is clear: knowledge and education for sustainable development must be promoted. But it's slow, too slow. This spring, the National Agency of Education conducted a survey to conclude that there is a flora of materials for teachers and preschool teachers on learning for sustainable development. What's missing is support for how schools and kindergartens will work with that.

Keep Sweden clean since 1996, runs the Green Flag program. This is the Swedish design of the International Eco Schools. This program is one of the world's recognized programs for learning about sustainable development. Today, more than 2,000 Swedish schools and kindergartens are connected and around 170,000 children and students work every day to learn about sustainable development. Of course, many teachers are working successfully on the issue in another way, but we know that many do not do it at all because they lack support and resources from principals or preschool and the municipality. .

According to school and preschool sustainable development programs will permeate education. In primary education programs, there are several documents on sustainable development and learning for sustainable development. The same goes for the new preschool curriculum. And in our newly elected parliament, there is strong support for tightening schools' requirements for learning about sustainable development. It shows a survey that keeps Sweden clean implemented. At the same time, learning about sustainable development is a prerequisite for the implementation of the 2030 Agenda. All municipalities must work towards the implementation of the 2030 Agenda.

Keep Sweden clean calls all newly elected municipal elected officials to focus on learning for sustainable development and to ensure that schools and kindergartens operate in a simple and systematic way. All children and students should have the same preconditions to be in a sustainable future.

This is an opinion piece published in Today's Society. The opinions expressed in this article are the author / authors.

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