Michela Castellari, 47, was operated on for her incontinence


It was a few years after Michela Castellari, 47, of Borås, had her daughter, who is now 15, when the problem was slowly emerging. She likes running, but she struggles to stay tight. P4 Sjuhärad was the first to talk about it.

"I thought it was because of my birth because it was quite complicated.My daughter weighed 4.6 kilos and I was operated on after delivery because I was born there. had lost a lot of blood, says Michela.

Michela Castellari, now wants to help other women by telling her story and how she got help.

Photo: private

Michela: "It's been my life"

However, she continued to run and do knee exercises in the hope of solving the problem, but without success. Instead, it only made it worse.

"I could not even cough or sneeze and started to get away from the public, it's not fun to know that you can suddenly cry just by coughing or sneezing. I was found completely and going to the gym did not make sense to me when there were so many exercises that I could not do, "said Michela.

She keeps:

– It really embarrassed my life. It has become a downward spiral. I could not work, I gained weight and I had high blood pressure.

This is what Michel's life was like for almost five years. But one day it turned out. She runs a store and it is a client who has become her unexpected rescue.

"I do not really know how we approached the subject of incontinence, but I'm quite open to me and she is."

Michela Castellari got help for her stress incontinence.

Photo: private

A customer was saved

When Michel's client told her about her stress incontinence problems, she was immediately recognized.

"I remember thinking:" It must be what I have. "Just this not to sneeze, cough, jump and run without looking.

The client told her that she had suffered a so-called TVT operation and that she was no longer suffering from incontinence.

Michela contacted her gynecologist and then her general practitioner. A year and a half later, a TVT operation was entrusted to him. In October, the time had come.

She tells us that the operation, performed under local anesthesia, was a simple procedure.

"I calmed down and fell asleep, I do not remember anything about the operation itself, all I remembered was that 20 minutes later I put a cup of coffee in hand.

Although it has only been a month since the operation, she feels a big difference.

"Now I can cough and sneeze without a problem and Sunday I will be on my treadmill for the first time in a very long time.It is very fun.

Michela's advice to women suffering from incontinence: "To tackle the problem".

Photo: Facebook / private

Michela: "S tackle the problem"

Michela thinks it's extremely important to talk about the incontinence effort because there are a lot of women who suffer from it. She also wrote about her operation on her blog.

– This nothing that affects only 90-year-old aunts.

Michela Castellari appeals to all women who walk and suffer in silence.

– S tackle the problem. Even if it seems difficult, contact your health center directly. We are in 2018 and no woman will have to go around. There is help and it is a simple intervention.

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