Store-related alarms: "Like torture" – News in Halmstad – 24 hours a day


The annual Christmas music began to be broadcast on radio stations and in the country's stores. For many of our customers, it may be a good idea to go shopping and shop for a few minutes with Christmas music in the background.

But to listen "Feliz Navidad" constantly for eight hours, at least five times a week, may not be so popular. Federation of Trade Unions tried to find out whether retailers in the sector consider Christmas music a professional problem or not.

In the report, more than 2,000 merchants were interviewed and the results show that opinions are divided.

"I really think it should be illegal to oblige store staff to listen to Christmas music during the Christmas trade." It's inhuman and extra, so it's without doubt the most difficult month for almost everyone who works as a store employee ", indicates a retailer in the report.

Christmas music is less popular that music that plays the rest of the year. One-third think Christmas music is more stressful than other music.

"This may seem excessive, but I think it's a torture! It often starts in November and until the end of December / early January.It is during our most stressful period of time. the year and you sometimes go crazy!) It's unbearable! I would do anything to avoid Christmas music, all of which has helped me to hate Christmas over the years. " tells another person in the report.

However, the comments in the report also take the opposite: when the same music is played again and again during the rest of the year, Christmas music is a welcome break.

"The most important thing is that the music is seen as interchangeable and it is not always the case when Christmas slings are played," he says. Stefan Carlén, chief economist at the Trade Unions & Association and report writer.

Looking at the music in The rest of the year, the groups are numerous, almost half of the music is positive. At the same time, the group has negative occupational health problems, close to the fourth question, to the point of posing a health problem at work.

"It's the same song list of about 30 songs that's been around for over 2 years, and it's cheap music on TV and not on radio, it will be very monotonous and stressful for the staff. " testifies another employee in the trade in the report.

For staff not to perceive music as a problem in the workplace, it is essential that they influence the type of music played. Those who influence are much more positive about music.

In stores that have written music chords with copyright organizations like Sami and sandbank employees are also more supportive of music, according to the report.

– In companies that consciously work and include staff in music, employees appreciate the music and the work environment improves. With musical chords, music is more varied and those who create and interpret music are paid legally. Music can be and is for most traders something positive, says Stefan Carlén.

The report states that There are major quality deficiencies in many workplaces, with little variation, low influence and participation among employees who have more experience in the Christmas business.

"At Christmas and New Years, we sometimes had various speakers in the shop who played different songs at HIGH VOLUME, so loud that I had to make the voice heard because the customers heard what I was saying. At the end and said that a grocery store is nothing disco and referring to my work environment, which resulted in the closure of the enclosure closest to me, but the rest of the shop was left, the result became a migraine and I had to report to me! ", testifies another store employee in the report.

To read the full report "Music in store", click here.

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