Despite 14 visits to the doctor, a fatal cancer has been missed


Photo: Vilhelm Stokstad / TT

IVO is strongly criticizing a health center in Sandviken. Stock Photography.

A health center in Sandvik receives strong criticism from IVO, the Inspectorate of Care and Care, after missing the deadly cancer of a woman, writes SVT News Gävleborg.

For three years, the woman made fourteen visits to the health center where she was treated for low blood values.

The investigation of discomfort in the woman's stomach was "very passive" and contrary to science and proven experience according to IVO. After three years, colon cancer has been discovered that has spread beyond salvation. In April 2017, the woman died.

"It sounded like a shot in the face to hear that the sister arrived late at the Gävle surgeon." Writes the woman's sister in the notification, according to SVT.

After the event, the health center will have introduced new ways of working to ensure that patients receive prompt investigations and diagnoses.

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