Urbota stupid – but not illegal – Norrköping News


Norrköping News wrote earlier that Magnus Nilsson, former CEO of Upplev Norrköping, a board member of Reidar Svedahl (L) and employee of the company, had visited the Amsterdam Light Festival last January. At dinner time, Norrköping taxpayers had the addition – even alcohol. This violates the municipality's rules on internal representation.

At 6 pm Tuesday, Reidar Svedahl wrote an article on Facebook in which he thought that what he had done was stupid, but that it was not illegal at the same time and that the listeners had not commented.

Here is his whole post:

I did something stupid!
Two years ago, I was in Amsterdam with the CEO of Upplev Norrköpings and an employee. We were there for Christmas and for three days. The lunches and dinners cost about $ 2,500 for the three of us for this trip.

Then we were wrong, one night we drank good food and beer and one with coffee. The total trip for us three was the cost of alcoholic beverages just 900 crowns. He took charge of the credit card of the company and I have attested to it.

The municipality's rules of representation stipulate that alcohol must not be included except on special occasions.
Sometimes in the middle of a time when others had joy, we thought so.
We were there to watch the festival of light and choose what we would have in Norrköping next year.
Auditors who have examined this have no comments either.

But we and maybe most of us were stupid!
With hand in hand, we should have paid the money directly on the spot.
Now that the media is questioning this, I can understand that some people can answer it.
I have therefore paid 900 SEK to experiment today. This allows taxpayers not to pay for these drinks, we benefit from the same paid table.

So even if what we were doing was not illegal, it was stupid, stupid!
I'm sorry and I learned my homework, no beer or with is so good or important that I can not pay for it myself!

It's happened:

Kommuntoppar på krogen – Norrköpingsborna paid

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