China investigates controversial researcher on gene – HD


Chinese authorities have opened an investigation into the gene investigator who claims to have altered the inheritance of two newborns. At the same time, Swedish researchers are demanding a debate on new genetic technicians. "The clock is at half past twelve," says Professor Nils-Eric Sahlin.

A Chinese scientist claims to have changed the inheritance of a couple of newborn twins. The change aims to make them more resistant to HIV, which causes AIDS.picture: Center for Reproductive Medicine / Skåne University Hospital

Researcher He Jianku recounted his "attempt" – on Youtube. There, he claimed to have changed the inheritance of a couple of newborn twins, Lulu and Nana. With the help of so-called "crispr" technology, the researcher should have modified the inheritance so that children become resistant to HIV, that is to say to the virus that causes AIDS.

"I understand that my work will be questioned, but I think families need this technology, and I'm ready to receive criticism," said Reuters, he said in the video.

Artificially changing the human genome and allowing the modified embryo to evolve into an individual is extremely controversial and forbidden in the vast majority of countries. As far as you know, this has never happened before.

The criticism of He Jianku's research did not allow us to wait.

"If that is the case, it would be the most irresponsible, unethical and dangerous use of (this) genealogy technology," said Kathy Niakan, an expert at the Francis Crick Institute in London.

The South Korean Science and Technology Research University of Shenzhen, China, says the researcher is on leave without pay since February and that he should not return until 2021. The University says also that the researcher's efforts were unknown. .

"The University of Science and Technology of the South requires that scientific research complies with national laws and regulations, as well as with international ethical standards, and that it respects them," said the In a statement.

The Chinese authorities have declared that they have opened an investigation, while the researcher himself seems to have disappeared or has become irreversible.

Earlier, he contacted the Reuters news agency, which he said he planned to share his research at a scientific forum this week, and that he planned to allow research to be the subject of research. peer review before published in a scientific journal.

For the moment, however, no one knows if He Jianku really did what he claims to have done. The interrogation points are still numerous.

Nils-Eric Sahlin, professor of medical ethics at Lund University, is not very surprised at this news.

– The technology exists and there is an interest in using it. But before using it, the world community must agree that its use is safe, because today you do not know what the consequences will be. There is a moral aspect to the extent that something has been done with which these children can live all their lives.

TT: But it was also the first test tube?

"Yes, but it requires a thorough ethical analysis and a study of the possible consequences, but above all, we discuss the values ​​that should apply in Sweden, not just the scientific community." How do we want to do with this technology? At present, this is not allowed in Sweden, while the technology has enormous potential, we have been reporting this for a long time and Smer (National Medical Council) has proposed a parliamentary inquiry. now, says Nils-Eric Sahlin.


Umeå Technology

In this study, the researcher used a recycling technique called CRISPR / Cas9, a technique developed in part by the University of Umeå. With the help of this technique, it is possible to introduce specific modifications of the genome. If this is done on a fertilized egg, the change will accompany future cell divisions.

In Sweden and many other countries, it is legal to look for human embryos, subject to ethical approval. However, according to the law on genetic integrity, it is forbidden to carry out genetic modifications that can be inherited. Manipulated embryos should no longer be returned to the woman. In addition, the embryos must be 14 days old and must be destroyed.

Source: Genetic Integration Act and many others.

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