District associations about List of requirements of Annie Löv


The center party leader, Annie Lööf, sent a list of requirements to Stefan Löfven. The list contains several points on which Leader C wants S to be in agreement – in exchange for Löfven's presentation as Prime Minister.

"It is time for the Social Democrats to confess their colors and if you can accept the demands of the center party, we are ready to consider sending him back as Prime Minister," said Annie Lööf at Expressen earlier today.

Prime Minister Stefan Löfven said Tuesday that it was good that the process "advance".

The S federations therefore demand the list of complaints from Annie Lööf

A round appeal to representatives of the Social Democratic Party shows that many people are positive about the fact that concrete talks have started.

"So far, we have not talked about politics in the formation of this government, so it is good to start discussing this in order to bring together cross-border cooperation." Åsa Johansson, President of the Swedish Confederation of Swedish confederations, says a step forward.

At the same time, she thinks that if the requirements are not negotiable, it will be difficult to lengthen.

"It feels like it's all partying, and it's obviously difficult.I hope it's an entry to start talking about commercial policy and come up with." something that both see possible.We can now negotiate the content and see what we can agree on, and then I do not think that will be the case, Åsa Johansson said.

Anna-Lena Sörensson (S), district chairman of the Östergötland party, welcomes the clarity of the conversation – but believes that it will be difficult to take into account several points at the present time .

"Personally, I think it's pretty difficult," she says.

"Combating labor law and working conditions"

Anna-Lena Sörensson says that "maybe" can meet the goals of reducing taxes on labor and business and liberalizing the housing and work market, while stressing that they have never objected free choice of social assistance.

The most difficult will be the reduction of marginal taxes, the reform of tourism rules, the liberalization of rents and the reduction of entry wages for new jobs.

"These fundamental values ​​are difficult for us, but it depends on how we are going to formulate it, of course, personally, I see that we can meet in a few, but I think that this against the right of work and conditions of employment is very difficult for us, "says Anna-Lena Sörensson.

Anna-Caren Sätherberg, president of the Jämtland District Social Democratic Party, writes in a commentary:

"Annie Lööf wanted to discuss trade policy as a probationer, I see what the center wants to keep in touch with us and we'll see what it can do."

The second district president is positive, but there is little on Annie Lööf's list of requirements.

"We have a party leadership that manages the negotiations, we think it's good to talk to each other, this week is crucial for the future, otherwise we have no comments yet," he said. Isak De, President of Västerbotten District.

Blekinge Federation: "Voters want"

Patrik Björck, president of the Social Democrats in Skaraborg:

– It is good that the discussions are continuing between the parties, but we do not discuss it in the media, but we discuss the internal and the parties we are talking about.

"I have no comment yet, it is good that concrete conversations have begun," writes Ulf Olsson, President of Södra Älvsborg S-Federation.

"It's good to worry, by the way, I'm talking about the leadership of the party," writes Åsa Lindestam, president of the Gävleborg S. federation.

Heléne Björklund is president of Blekinge and writes in an email that cross-border cooperation is essential to resolve the stalemate.

"It's also what voters want, I think, and it's good that we're focusing more clearly now on politics and not just politics and politics." I do not know how these negotiations are going. or these land claims have taken place, but it is positive that the negotiations are now about the content of the policy. "

The district president of the Social Democrats in Dalarna, Fyrbodal, Gotland, Gothenburg, Jönköping, Uppsala, Stockholm County, Stockholm, Sörmland and Västmanland did not wish to comment on the list of requirements of Annie Lööf.

Expressen searched in vain for the district president of the Social Democrats for Gothenburg, Halland, Kalmar, Kronoberg, Norrbotten, Skåne, Västernorrland and Örebro.

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