Top of the excluded SD of the party: "General ranking" – News in Kalmar – 24 hours a day


The reason at the time was that he had written a depressing and racist comment Facebook as part of the electoral movement.

– The decision was based on a detailed assessment of how published blog posts had repeatedly contributed to a negative image and that the party's communication plan had caused serious delays. for what is acceptable, says Mattias Backstrom Johansson, President of the Swedish Democrats in Kalmar County, East Småland.

Friday sent pieces of The local SD department opened an open letter calling Alfsson not to be excluded.

"Thoralf is the soul of the party, not only in Kalmar, but among many party members and other municipalities," writes the letter.

"The local is sad to lose a long-standing member who has contributed to a lot of positive things, but now the board has made a decision and indicated the way forward," he said. Krister Thornberg, acting president of SD Calmar.

Thoralf Alfsson has been sitting in City Council since 2006. He has also been a Member of Parliament from 2010 to 2014.

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