Billy Fagerström, the murder of Tova Moberg, is placed in the hall


In May of last year, Tova Moberg, 19, from Njutånger to Hudiksvall was murdered. The body was submerged and nestled in a lake adjacent to the farm of his boyfriend Billy Fagerströms.

Fagerström, 23, denied the murder, but the combined evidence showed another picture. The district court and the court of appeal sentenced him to life imprisonment for the murder of Tova.

Now it is clear that Billy Fagerström will be sentenced to Hall, which specializes in housing men who have committed acts of violence against women.

The placement decision of the placement office states:

"Billy Fagerström has expressed his wishes, among others, on the possibility of treatment against abuse and relationship problems."

"The Court of Appeal is deemed to be an appropriate institution offering sufficient security and, in particular, repressive content to offenders."

Several criminal women at the institution

Billy Fagerström is currently in Kumla, where he is waiting to be located. As soon as a place becomes vacant in the room, Fagerström will be moved there.

In the office, he will meet with several other female killers.

Among them:

Björn Olsen was sentenced to 16 years in prison for murder after the murder of his girlfriend Thérèse Palmkvist with an ax in the couple's joint home in Longshyttan in the autumn of 2016. After the murder, he left the body of Therese in the basement. In a letter to a member of his family, he wrote "sick how good it is in jail".

Björn Olsen.


Nurse Ivan Hammar, aged 30, is serving an 18-year sentence for being smeared on the knee of his former girlfriend, a 25-year-old woman, under psychiatric authorization.

Ivan Hammar.


Do not receive correspondence with women

Earlier in November, Fagerström had reported the accusation to OJ, dissatisfied with not having received correspondence with women. The institution then stopped the correspondence because it was considered "inappropriate" for the crime for which Fagerström had been sentenced.

"Thus, my incoming letters of female knowledge are stopped even if they have no illegal content, and it has happened in a totally irreproachable way today." then writes the convicted killer in his notification.

Until now, Billy Fagerström was sitting at the reception of the Riksdag in Kumlaanstalten to be the subject of an investigation. The investment decision states:

Destructive relationship with Tova Moberg

"The CAR investigation reveals that the risk of escaping or escaping from an institution is considered a means." The risk that the intruder may resort to threats and that the violence is The risk of incriminating another misconduct or crime is considered high. "

Billy Fagerström and Tova Moberg had a destructive relationship for several years. At the time of the murder, they were not together. Tova brought a diary and notes show that he was terrified for the expo's friend during his last period of life.

In addition to the murder, he is also guilty of abuse, unlawful coercion and unlawful threat to Tova Moberg.

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