The points of the specifications of Annie Lööf are the most difficult to accept for Stefan Löfven


Yesterday, Annie Lööf (C) announced that she was ready to release Stefan Löfven (S) as Prime Minister next week – if the Social Democrats agree on a number of Party demands of the Center, including tax cuts and freedom of work.

According to SVT political reporter Elisabeth Marmorstein, the center and the Social Democrats will have difficulty agreeing on two main points: reformed rules of rules and free renting.

"A red cloud"

The Center Party wants companies with up to 50 employees to be excluded from the circuit regulations. They also want to change the right to strike and legislate on lower entry wages for young people and newcomers.

– Change the legislation on the rules of turbulence – it's a red light for the labor movement. If this requirement is ultimate, yes, I would say it's almost driving, says Elisabeth Marmorstein and continues:

"But the Social Democrats also want to find ways to increase business flexibility in times of recession.Also, it was also said that, like the Center Party, you want to improve the ability to change employees. to increase security that way, but I think that's not enough, "she says.

"The tenant association should fight back"

As for the rent allowance, the center party wants to have a free rent higher than today, especially for newly built apartments. This would reduce the black trade with a lease, "said the party.

"I would say it's the second tough crackdown for the Social Democrats, and I find it hard to understand that they can allow rents to the market in the existing stock." tenants would answer and be close to the Social Democrats, said Elisabeth Marmorstein.

Here, S and C can be achieved

On the other hand, there are points on which the parties would find it easier to agree, such as the reduction of the marginal tax.

– S also wants a broad tax reform in which it is possible to transfer the reduced income tax according to the increase in capital taxes and environmental taxes.

Even the issue of welfare gains, to which the center party now wants to put an end, should be a subject on which the Social Democrats can be heard.

"Because the Riksdag voted against the profit proposition in welfare, it does not seem like it could be a reality, so I think even this question is easier for S to solve," says Elisabeth Marmorstein. .

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