Closed trial of murder of homeless man | Gothenburg after


Today, the trial began in Jönköpings tingsrätt, which will try to clarify what happened on the evening of August 7, when a homeless person died at Smedbyparken in Huskvarna. The focus is on two teenagers, one 16 years old and the other 14 years old.

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Already half an hour before the trial, journalists and photographers had gathered in front of the Jönköping District Court, while waiting for the doors of Hall 1 to open.

Prosecutor Linda Schön began reading the charge. She thinks that the 16 and 14 years old have together and in conscience killed the homeless. The 16-year-old is being prosecuted for murder, or especially for mistreatment and serious assault until the death of another. A will is written against the 14-year-old who, because of his age, can not be sentenced to any punishment.

Both deny having murdered the homeless man.

After the introduction, the court decided, at the request of the defense, that the negotiations continue in camera. The public and the media were thus allowed to leave the courtroom.

"Great pressure"

In their testimony, 14-year-olds have the opportunity to give an overview of what happened, but regardless of the court's judgment, no sanction will be pronounced.

It is not surprising to say that my client is not doing anything anymore. It's a big process and with all the media, it's a big press, "says Martin Cullberg's lawyer.

The process will run in a slightly different way than an adult suspect. We take into account that there are children involved. And when you have goals for children, there are also judges who are particularly good at taking care of children.


The trial is expected to last another five days of negotiations.

On August 8, the homeless man was found dead at Smedbypark. Police called the incident to death to death. But a week later, after the autopsy, the title was changed to murder. Suspicions came early to target both boys.

The assassination of the man has caused malice throughout the Huskvarna. Many had seen and recognized it because he was often sitting in front of the mall.

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