Stop completely the fish-e – "the situation is critical for the species"


"The situation of the eel remains critical for the survival of the species." It is disturbing to note that the eel stock only accounts for a few percent of what it was in 1970 "says WWF Secretary General Håkan Wirtén in a press release.

READ MORE: Dead eels have been found in Hanö Bay

Prior to the year 's eel fishing season, the EU decided to fish eels over 12 centimeters for three consecutive months between September 2018 and January 2019.

The requirement: that the fishing stop be moved

In Sweden, the judgment is between 1 November and 31 January. According to environmental organizations, it is then fished at least as eel.

The letter writers want the government to clarify the Sea and Water Authority's mission so that future fishing stops are laid in such a way as to have the greatest impact on the eel stock.

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