Lidingo politicians' fees are increased to "avoid bad decisions"


The city of Lidingö is a coalition of moderates, Christian Democrats, Lidingo party and liberals. The city council working committee presented a proposal to increase police fees at the December City Council meeting, which Lidingösidan was the first to report.

The president of the municipality, Daniel Källenfors, M., should receive a monthly fee of 108 800 Swedish crowns, or 80% of the government fee. It currently has 88,400 crowns per month.

Other full-time employees The city council, Birgitta Sköld, LP, and Carl-Johan Schiller, KD, will receive, according to the new proposal, 60% of the government fees, which represents 81,600 Swedish crowns, against 66,300 crowns today. The same goes for Amelie Tarschys Inger, L, who went from SEK 44,200 to SEK 81,600, the Liberals having joined the government majority.

However, the proposed Opposition Council is entitled to a reduced fee of just over 11,000 SEK, or 40% instead of 50% of city council fees, ie SEK 32,640.

The parole of Carl-Johan Schillers (KD) is, according to his electoral website, "Your Taxpayers, My Focus". He wishes to emphasize that the political organization of Lidingo is relatively inexpensive compared to other municipalities.

"What we've done now is a review of all fees, and we think it's reasonable that anyone with heavy duty in the majority and the opposition has reasonable opportunities to do a good job. that decisions be rescinded because of insufficient support and higher demands, says Carl-Johan Schiller.

Why, then, do you lower the fees for the opposition council?

"It's nice that you talked about it because we had a working committee here when you heard about yourself and it just became a mistake, we've now increased the fee to 50% of the time." a council of government, about the same as today.May be about 2,000 crowns less.It is also important to point out that an opposition council n & # 39; There is no chair in a committee and does not work full-time with the Lidingö policy, which explains lower fees than for a city council.

Did you change because I asked or because it was wrong?

– It would have been bad.

Could not you demand a lot when you have 66,000 a month?

– Yes, of course you could do it. But we had a mandate where several decisions were made and must be demolished and reorganized. We want to avoid that. It cost taxpayers millions of dollars. With this new system, we will put more pressure on all politicians in Lidingö.

Your parole is "Your tax money, my goal". Can you see that the slogan becomes a little fun when you raise your own paid fees with tax money?

"The fact is that we want to avoid bad decisions, and with better decisions, it also becomes cheaper so we can preserve the taxpayer's money.

The center party, the Social Democrats and the Lidingö Environment Party rejected the majority proposal to increase salaries. According to a press release, all three parties want this money to go to the municipality's activities.

"It is unbecoming for the municipal council to increase its own salaries by SEK 22,000 per month while halving the allowances paid to people with disabilities who work in the Ö group. The majority talks a lot about the efficiency of the work. organization of the city, but contrary to the political organization, says Patrik Buddgård (C).

In Stockholm, the municipal council, Anna König Jerlemyr (M), has a monthly fee based on the same principle that Lidingö now wants to introduce, namely 80% of the government fee. But Lidingösidan notes that König Jerlmyr controls more than 960,031 inhabitants. Lidingö has 47,712 inhabitants.

DN has applied to the local council president, Daniel Källenfors (M).

Read more: SD member received double pay – was political secretary to himself

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