600 new student housing can become a reality in Lund



600 new student housing can become a reality in Lund

Lund can have 600 new student housing in Ideonområdet. The city's building office has been tasked with examining the possibility of building more homes east of the university zone.

Academic homes want to build houses with ground floor meeting and service rooms and student housing at the top. The service must be accessible from the street, while the meeting rooms are located in front of the green courtyards. Teaching houses also want to create outward-facing functions and shared learning environments that bond and give the region a spirit of learning and activity.

Today, temporary student housing exists in some parts of the region. The idea is to replace them with two new blocks where houses should have between three and eight floors.

The allocation of the plan that has now been assigned to the city's building office also includes the development and equipping of public places in the planning area. The goal is to create a narrower and more urban street, including creating an extension between the two new neighborhoods. The area will link the university to the west of the plan area with the Forskarparken to the east and, in continuation, the Ideon and Medicon village activity areas. .

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