Dental loss is more dangerous for women's hearts


Photo: Anders Wiklund

Dentistry is important and can even help prevent myocardial infarction. Stock Photography.

According to a new study from the Karolinska Institute, the risk of dental loss resulting in heart attacks is higher in women than in you.

The researchers studied patients in the 1960s with severe dental care. For these, the risk of having a first heart attack in women was higher than that of men.

Björn Klinge, professor of dental diseases at the University of Malmö and Karolinska Institutet, says that this study involves a considerable number of people. But he believes that the key is important in finding answers about how different diseases affect each other.

– Some bacteria enter the blood from the infected area and spread the infectious substances. Overall, it could affect organs or blood vessels in different places, says Björn Klinge, according to SR Ekot.

Why this could affect mainly women, researchers can not yet explain.

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