Kristersson's latest offer for L and C


Annie Lööf and Jan Björklund opened the door to free Stefan Löfven as Prime Minister.

A few days before the message, Ulf Kristersson tried to convince his bourgeois colleagues with a new candidacy – which contained strong political concessions and a promise not to negotiate with the Swedish Democrats.

But Björklund and Lööf continued with the S track.

In recent days, the center party and the Liberals have announced that they are ready to release Stefan Löfven (S) as Prime Minister against strong political concessions.

Ulf Kristersson, who was both Annie Lööf and Jan Björklund's prime minister in the constituency, announced on Friday that he was ready to accept C and L's candidacy. try to make them change a few weeks after Lööf and Björklund voted no for Kristersson as prime minister.

The reason was that the parties would not influence the Swedish Democrats nor would they be part of the same government base as the party.

1 of 4 | Photo: Andreas Bardell / AFTONBLADET / 2916

The alliance leaders meet in Kristersson's room on another occasion.

According to Aftonbladet, the four leaders of the Alliance met on Saturday to meet Ulf Kristersson's chamber at the Riksdag. There he presented a new plan, both on the political content and the aspect of cooperation.

Proposal for new concessions

In the document submitted, there were new concessions to C and L in some of the parties' profile issues. According to Aftonbladet, the reporting agents were, among others, social tax, LSS, environmental and climate initiatives, defense, school and a new tax reform.

Kristersson's new plan also focused on the fact that cooperation between alliance parties would be even more flexible than suggested in the previously announced "3-2-1" solution.

The government would then apply the policy agreed by the Alliance, but would also have budgetary cooperation with C and L.

In the new proposal, no budget negotiations would take place between the government and the Alliance unless the Alliance has wished. The parties could enter the opposition, but would continue to pass through their policies, was thought. Only they released Ulf Kristersson. The proposed government would always first seek agreements with the alliance parties and, secondly, cross-border agreements with the social democrats.

"The parties would be free to choose whether they want formal or informal negotiations, if any," said a source from the alliance.

"Loose cheeks"

In addition, according to Aftonbladet sources, Kristersson said that no negotiations were to be conducted with the Swedish Democrats. On the other hand, the government would make proposals to the Riksdag and accept that all parties, including the SD, vote for them.

"It would be an alliance government, but with looser fabrics so that C and L could stay further from SD," said an alliance source.

Over the weekend, the Liberals sat for hours to discuss how to behave in the government, and on the Debate Debate page, Profile L Torkild Strandberg wrote that Jan Björklund did not go out of his way. did not talk about the new offer.

At the press conference that he held today, Björklund concluded that he had done so, but that the offer did not contain anything new.

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