Gävleborg regions choose plates – Voister


– In the region of Gävleborg, we are working on a test to get out of the Ipads stables on the carriages. In this way, we are going through three stages as we are doing today. This means that flying missions will be faster for the department, "said Cathrin Dahlström, Head of Unit for the Gävleborg Region.

Today we have one hour of adjustment and we estimate it in 30 to 45 minutes.

Cathrin Dahlström
, Head of Unit at Gävleborg Region

– At the moment, call Customer Support, FM Support, which sends a work order in our proprietary real estate system. The order is transmitted to the cleaning product supplier's customer service department, who in turn sends the mission to the cleaner. By sending the heels directly to the plate, we can pass these members. Today, we have one hour of configuration and we estimate it in 30 to 45 minutes with the new solution.

Tell us about your project with patient transportation.

– Today, we are on the service unit spider in the net to supply. We have a telephonist who receives all offers and notes for the patient to be recovered. This would automatically go with a patient routing program where carriers get their assignments in handhelds. This would also save a lot of time.

Is it difficult to prioritize?

– No, it's good to work in parallel on several projects. These are opportunities we have explored over the past year, based on discussions about what would provide the most staff and service. We have found the areas we are currently working on.

What challenges remain?

"With the Patient Routing Program, it's the technique, we do not want to buy anything today that will have to change tomorrow, if we set up a patient referral system we can move to a For example, bed labeling, this solution gives us information about where they have been since they were maintained and makes it easier to track infections in the event of an infection or the like. our wheelchairs, which we are very satisfied with.

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